Community upliftment

Community upliftment is key to the protection of natural areas. Communities are the custodians of natural heritage. Protected areas must connect with local communities in order for long-term protection of flora and fauna. Through the empowerment of women, education, food security and animal welfare, communities will be uplifted and will see the benefits of working together with the reserve. 

- Job creation within the reserve

- Providing Education at local schools
- Providing food and clean water security
- Raise the status of women to become breadwinners of their families

It is key to understand the needs of the local communities and potential differences in culture. It is critical that the tribal chief is involved in the whole process. Empowering the tribal chief to work with the community and the reserve will provide a solid basis for the success of the program. 

As no female-only ranger units existed yet, it was a challenge to understand the differences in the workforce between men and women. How women are accepted in their community as rangers, the struggles they face and the needs they might have. Adjusting this to create a unit that performs optimally is an ever-growing process.