Compatibilities in the marine environment
To examine the way in which the different uses are incorporated in the marine space, two compatibility matrices have been developed to guide the proposed policy measures and spatial structure of this plan. These two matrices analyze: 1. Compatibility and conflict among the different uses 2. Compatibility and conflict between the different uses and the natural resources and heritage and cultural values The two matrices were based on a list of uses in and values of the marine space – and a summary of the environmental impacts of each use, their significance and range. On the basis of the information collected, the relationships were categorized, cross-referencing the different uses, and relating to the degree of possible or desirable synergy between them.
Sound and comprehensive data basis
The time needed to map compatibilities is quite lengthy. A significant amount of time and resources are needed for mapping compatibilities. Resources include finding the right people and the right information to make well founding assumptions about impacts. Lastly, there will always be those stakeholders who don't agree with some information presented in the compatibilities matrices. They should be presented as "draft" and open to revisions over time.