Integration of climate change adaptation and EbA into the water policy framework

Mainstreaming climate change adaptation (CCA) and EbA into water policies and plans is central for climate resilience in the Thai water sector. The key to this was the strengthening of inter-agency cooperation between ONWR and ONEP, the lead agencies on water and on climate change. Efforts to enhance mainstreaming and cross-sectoral cooperation included:

  • Enhancing understanding on Thailand’s climate policy framework as well as on the topic of CCA in the water sector as a basis for EbA through policy dialogues and informal exchanges between ONEP and ONWR as well as with water-related agencies.
  • Developing a rapid self-assessment tool (‘5 Dimension Framework’) to help water policy makers identify current levels and possible areas for further mainstreaming of CCA and EbA. 
  • Developing policy recommendations in a policy brief series to enhance understanding of the needs and benefits of integrating adaptation in the water sector and making EbA as an essential pillar for sustainable and climate-sensitive water management.

Developing a national guideline for the development of climate-sensitive River Basin Master Plans (RBMPs) integrating climate change aspects including EbA, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), and climate finance options into the planning process that takes place in 5-year intervals in Thailand’s 22 river basins.

  • A high-level Policy Dialogue between ONWR and ONEP, the lead agencies on water and climate change, emphasised the need for cross-agency and multi-level collaboration to drive Thailand’s climate-resilient water resources management.
  • Extreme drought during 2019/2020 together with an increasing number of floods due to heavy rainfalls in the wet season put adaptation high on the political agenda and provided a window of opportunity to raise the water sector’s awareness on the need to integrate climate adaptation and complement water management with EbA solutions.
  • Alignment of policies and plans on water resources management and climate change is a key basis for ensuring that the climate-sensitive water resources management will be in an integrated manner and go in the same direction.
  • Providing a platform to exchange and emphasize the need for cross-agency and multi-level collaboration helps to enhance the integration of climate change adaptation and EbA into the water policy framework.