Low impact fishing activities

A conservation agreement promotes the application of fisheries and zoning regulations in the marine reserve as well as the implementation of guidelines based on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

  • National and international NGOs as well as governmental entities have provided the funding for the initial phase as well as for implementation.
  • The technical support of public and private partners has been important during all phases of the development
  • The support of control and administration authorities is a precondition for the success of the project.

This is an initiative which has been developed over a period of about five years with encountering some difficulties along the way. It was a long process which required patience and persistence before seeing differences in fishing behaviour. The biggest challenge was in working with a group of people who did not see the benefit for being organized in a union and who are used to certain extraction techniques having a free access to the resources without any kind of regulation. This initiative shows how projects working on behavioural changes and the raising awareness for more environmentally friendly uses, can take several years and need to consider the different rhythm and philosophy of the stakeholders involved and ensure their responsibility and commitment in decision-making in this process.