Monitoring, Evaluation and Communication Strategies

In order to measure the effectiveness of FONCET’s work, FONCET has a clear strategy to measure and evaluate the activities, as well as a communication strategy that can clearly communicate to different audience the work done, the goals and the ways all people can get involved. As an example; FONCET has created a communication program where celebrities are invited to visit El Triunfo Reserve and use their unique talents to reach more people and influence their followers to support conservation activities. FONCET has created a team with actors, filmmakers, theater producers, designers, and chefs, among others. This team has created amazing communication and fundraising programs to conserve El Triunfo. From products that are sold like wine, jewelry, water bottles, to plays, films, dinners, among others, giving a percentage of their work for conservation programs, that raise awareness and financial resources for conserving protected areas.

Monitoring and evaluation of the activities and results are an essential to give transparency to the funds invested in conservation as well as to make necessary adjustments if necessary.

  1. Strong strategic plan: provides a clear vision towards short, medium and long term objectives as well operative annual plans for each strategic action
  2. Clear messages: transmits the values, achievements and aspirations of the organization to attract and inspire the active participation of communities, donors and allies.
  3. Clear indicators: measurable and quantifiable
  4. Creative programs to reach different audiences: segmented communication to different audiences in order to reach different possible donors

Regarding the communication strategy, FONCET was very good talking about conservation among conservationist; however, this strategy left out many people who were not conservationist expert but they were willing to participate and become donors. Information for this kind of public become available just few years ago when the communication department was established.

FONCET has built strong relationships with donors and future possible donors creating an information flow for every audience. A lesson learned is to communicate the achievements of FONCET and offer relevant information about El Triunfo. At this point, FONCET wants to become a reliable source for national and international media on conservation and protected areas.

In terms of monitoring and evaluation, FONCET uses the results of the evaluation in order to know the impact of the programs and make necessary adjustments. Although monitoring and evaluation is implemented just recently FONCET recognizes its importance for transparency and will become an important part of its procedures.