Multiple Grant Agreements

11 grant agreements have been given to NGO and academic institutions in the three countries of the Selva Maya to implement research and pilot projects on One Health. The call for applications was launched early 2021 and based on an assessment grid the grant recipients were selected. Criteria included innovation, replicability, and interdisciplinarity. The grantees currently implementing their projects include WCS, ARCAS, BWRC, the Universidad del Valle Guatemala, CINVESTAV, BIOS A.C., etc. The 11 recipients are automatically AOHSM members and share their project results on the website. Through their AOHSM membership they have connected and created synergies with other grant recipient projects for upscaling and replicating. 

Enhanced visibility of research endeavours and work on the ground through AOHSM events translating project results from science to the policy level. Grant agreements are designed in a way that gives the recipient maximum flexibility in the implementation. 

Constant communication between and with the grant recipients is necessary to ensure synergies and avoid duplications. Conditions on the ground such as heavy tropical rains can lead to delays that make contract addenda necessary.

It is also important to highlight the benefits for the grant recipients of being members of the Alianza and publishing their results on the website. Support needs to be offered where possible, since all grantees are confronted with a high workload.