Successful seagrass restoration methodology

The rod method was the main restoration method that we implemented. It was selected given its relatively higher survival rate (around 2/3) of the restored modules of one rod of seagrasses. 

The rod method is a manual sediment free method for seagrass restoration, which consists in the use of a wire stick or rod, where seagrass is tied and attached to the ground. The wire is bent and both ends are anchored in the soil, forming a so called rod. Seagrass modules (2-3 shoots united with the same rhizome) are attached to the rod. These rod structures are fully degradable after just over a year.

In Inhambane, we tested a palm leave nerve as a rod, as described as tségua method, having the disadvantage to be a highly time consuming restoration method.

  • Identification of wealthy donor material: A donor seagrass is an area/field of seagrass qualified to offer vegetative material for restoration. The same donor is capable to replenish itself naturally. We have been doing regular observation of these; having standard shoot density, number of leaves per shoot (=seagrass stem).
  • Being manual method, with a small cost and implemented in shallow areas, with no need regular swimming. Diving was not required
  • Trained students
  • Presence of communities
  • Having a dedicated NGO as a project partner
  • Some funding

The success of the ongoing restoration is due to testing different restoration methodologies, engage local communities at the earlier stage of seagrass restoration and making good choice of areas, that are not heavily impacted by gleaners or other factors.