Sustainable Ecotourism

Cultural tourism provides an additional source of income for the local community. Guided tours promote community traditions, art of fishing and wealth of natural resources. However, if not well controlled and based upon with strong values and rules, recreational fishing can be unsustainable and a source of local conflict.


The Consorcio Por la Mar R.L developed guided visits to learn about the culture of being a small scale fisher in Costa Rica.

Cultural identity

Natural resource base recuperation

Traditional knowledge

Recreational fishing can be a new threat for the sustainable management of the marine area if it is not well controlled.

Cultural identity and traditional knowledge are very important for sustainable livelihoods

Norms and regulations need to be established before new activities start to function.

Recognition of women work in fisheries is important and very important for this process.

No training investment is really needed since fishers know by heart exactly what small scale fisheries is all about.