Training in the use of GPS-capacity and IT data-base
In parallel with the formalization of the tracker skills and competence assessment, trackers learn to use Cyber tracker handheld computer / GPS technology. This allows important data on biodiversity trends and density, to be systematically recorded and algorithmic analyses provide rapid insight into conservation priorities, including issues of climate change, disease vectors and anti-poaching strategies.
Cybertracker technology was invented in Southern Africa and is specifically designed to support indigenous and local communitytrackers. The programming was influenced by the sophisticated knowledge of San trackers and then adapted to IT functionality. Trackers with little or no formal schooling can easily learn to use the technology. Cybertracker allows tracker observations to rapidly integrate detailed local knowledge and observations into scientific data diachronic and synchronic analysis
Introducing IT technology allows a better bridge between traditional knowledge and data management relevant to conservation goals. IT also validates traditional knowledge expertise and reduces the literacy biases. Young people are highly motivated to learn to use new technologies, encouraging intergenerational knowledge transmission and a virtuous learning cycle.