The TUA Board forms the supreme planning and decision making body of the Organisation. The board makes informed decions and mobilizes resources that support and guide the project staff in the implementation of the organisation's strategic objectives under IPaCoPA solution towards fulfilling its vision "A clean, health and well protected environment supporting a sustainable Society and Economy". The TUA Staff is a team of six youthful and well qualified individuals who carryout the day-today activities of the organisation by engaging the community members in their respective Groups/Clubs through group leadersip (Executive committee), enhanced with formal MoUs between TUA and its member group/clubs.
1. Competent skills by the Board and Staff Members enhanced with ccess to current information on Climate Change and the general critical issues of the environment that aid the Board in making sound decisions.
2. A strong spirit of teamwork and Volunteerism among the Board and Staff.
3. Ability by the Board and Staff to cope up with the developing world and a strong passion to further the aspirations of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A Strong and informed team that fully understands and embraces organisation's values and principles will empower the organisation to achieve lasting results.
Contrally to the above, the team may run the risk of setting poor precedents that leave communities feeling co-opted, manipulated, and reluctant to work with external organizations in the future.
A well informed and supportive Board simplifies the work of the CEO and the Staff, and accelerates the growth of the Organisation.