Using Biosphere Reserve Branding (Quality Economy)

Quality economy is based on successful conservation or conservation-based economy set up in the guidelines of Vietnam MAB in 2009. Labeling and branding goods and services from CBR could help promote the development of quality economies in the CBR and its sustainable development. In the context of economic development in CBR, quality includes value creation and increased economic benefits for local people consumptions; production in line with sustainable development; fair distribution, solidarity; awareness of conservation of nature and culture and networking among Bisophere Reserves. Successful conservation creates a prestige value. Labeling under this concept brings added value to local products creating a contribution and recognition to local communities and their efforts in conservation.

International designation as a Biosphere Reserve.

(1) Market sector consists of private entities that are organized around price incentive in the production and consumption of goods and services. The quality of products should be controlled and registered.

(2) Local products usually do not meet quality criteria, therefore, intersectoral coordination and quality economy should come together to implement the initiative with community participation involved in the process.