Vulnerability assessment and stakeholder plan
The Vulnerability Assessment and Stakeholder Involvement plan is a prerequisite for action. It uses data and policies from the Seychelles National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) and other country reports, as well as recently published scientific papers. Stakeholder survey and analysis was undertaken to identify, choose and engage the right stakeholders in the project.
• Availability and access to existing data from national reports • Willingness of stakeholders to be surveyed • Existence of adequate numbers of relevant stakeholders for a successful project • Capacity of stakeholders
Desk top studies are important. Field surveys are lengthy and costly and not always necessary because relevant data may exist in government and consultancy reports. Not all stakeholders are the ones to partner with. Some stakeholders may be skeptical about the feasibility of coral reef restoration or cannot be engaged. Those with the right attitude and adequate capacity are the ones to be brought on board otherwise time will be spent on solving stakeholder issues rather than implementing the project. Stakeholders are not always reliable. Stakeholders may not engage fully or may drop out due to various factors. In small countries like Seychelles missing even one or two individuals may make a difference if there was previous commitment.