BB4. Sector analysis and briefings

In order to understand the current and potential situation of maritime uses and activities in the Azores, an extensive sector analysis was elaborated, including nine sectors. For each maritime sector identified in the region, a sector briefing was done. Each sector briefing includes information relating to its characterization, the relevant legal framework, current and potential spatial distribution, a SWOT analysis, an analysis of interactions (with other sectors, with the environment and land-sea interactions), as well as an analysis of pressures resulting from different drivers of change (e.g. climate change, demographic changes and blue growth policies). This work involved an extensive collection of information, both through literature review and collected from stakeholders during the engagement process.

  • Sector analyses are essential to understand the current scenario.
  • A significant amount of information was available online.
  • Willingness of some institutions to provide updated data.
  • It takes time to develop this methodology in a robust and consistent way.
  • Sometimes it is extremely difficult to obtain sector information.
  • Some institutions were not available to support the data gathering process.