The Pump Sizing Tool allows for the calculation of the pumping head, the required solar PV module capacity, and selects suitable pump technologies. The DESIGN – Pump Sizing Tool helps design the irrigation system so as to ensure that as little pressure as possible is lost in the system. In addition, it serves as a checklist to identify pressure losses, e.g. due to leaks in an existing system.
Technical support of farmers during the planning phase; data on the daily crop water requirement, mean daily global solar radiation for the design month, country-specific costs of PV panel & pump; availability of financing options
Proper sizing of the components of an SPIS is critical, since an SPIS with insufficient capacity will not satisfy the farmers’ needs and an over dimensioned system will induce unnecessary operation and capital costs. Negligence of the sustainable water yield of water sources may result in water shortage and a depletion of water resources, thus having negative impacts on the farm budget and the environment. It is therefore very important to be in close contact with the farmer during the planning phase and to inform him about the advantages and limits of SPIS.
The final design of the PV pump and irrigation system should be left to experienced system integrators who use computer-based system sizing and simulation tools such as COMPASS, WinCAPS and PVSYST, HydroCALC, GESTAR.