Educación y sensibilización ambiental
Fortaleciendo capacidades
Creando conciencia ambiental
A negotiation process
Co-management agreement
Pluralistic governance board
Ensuring Justice-based Ecosystem-based Adaptation
1. Establishment of an operational committee with representatives of the Indigenous population, local authorities and other important stakeholders for joint project management
2. Installation of problem-solving platforms, which serve as working groups for conflict resolution and consensus building, especially on land tenure and resource use issues
3. Identification of flexible project implementation mechanisms, which can reflect demands at the local level (e.g., contracting of local employees from the Miskitu population)
Strengthening of community organization
Strengthening local skills and knowledge
Improvement of green-gray infrastructure
Strengthening of Community Organization
Strengthening Local Skills and Knowledge
Recovery of Technologies & Green-Gray Infrastructure
Incentivar la participación social como motor de la transformación
Reforestación de manglares financiada por el proyecto y apoyada por la comunidad
Posicionamiento de los grupos de mujeres como agentes de cambio
Iniciativas colectivas para el manejo de riesgos y reducción de la vulnerabilidad
Construyendo alianzas estratégicas multinivel y multi-actor
"Action learning" and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Implementation of scalable EbA measures to increase forest cover and water availability
Consolidating inclusive governance for adaptation
Participatory approach – Community-based solutions
Gendered Community-based EbA solution
Implementation Approach: Virtual Actions after planning and engagement– Due to Covid
CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC POLICIES: Santos Climate Action Plan (PACS), Conservation and Restore of Atlantic Forest Plan (PMMA) and Sao Paulo State Climate Action and Race to Resilience
"Action learning" and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Implementation of mangrove restoration EbA measures
Strengthening water governance and leadership for adaptation
Integrated on-farm soil nutrient management
Community pond restoration
Broom grass cultivation
Extensive public engagement/consultation during design phase
Fostering win-win solutions through innovative partnerships for landscape engineering
Creating a technical advisory panel for sound planning