Methodological approach for integrating climate change and EbA measures into protected area management planning

The methodological approach consists of the following steps (see also graphic in the gallery):

  1. Collection of perceptions of involved professionals and other stakeholders with regard to key climate risks and spatial mapping of these risks.
  2. Identification of key biophysical and socio-economic impacts of climate change in the region, in part by checking perceptions of stakeholders, in part by publicly available scientific data.
  3. Assessment of ecosystem services relevant for human well-being and/or climate change adaptation with stakeholders during a workshop.
  4. Definition of site-specific adaptation options and measures, including EbA.
  5. Integration of results into the management plan.
  6. Capacity development through courses and on-the-job training as a crucial accompanying measure.
  • Availability of both scientific and other types and sources of knowledge and information. 
  • Participation and contributions from technical staff and citizens.
  • The first milestone was levelling knowledge about climate change concepts and issues among the participants. In this regard, the dynamic and participative format of the meetings and workshops was crucial for strengthening the understanding of main concepts and the appreciation and integration of stakeholder perspectives and knowledge into the management plan.
  • The risk assessment should go beyond the conservation site and address its whole area of influence (e.g. water basins as an orientation for the scope).
  • Participatory approaches and the integration of perceptions of climate change impacts can result in differing views. The responsible team needs to be prepared to deal with it.
  • Likewise, the collection of local knowledge and perceptions can be resource-intensive and needs to be well-prepared.
  • The integration of climate change risks and implementation of adaptation actions in conservation management is a rather new and complex task which is influenced by factors differing from site to site. Therefore, the adaptation process should be area-specific.