Watershed baseline survey to develop hydrological maps

The baseline  survey on the Kikuyu Escarpment watershed to develop hydrological maps for the area was conducted. The survey identified hotspots that needed intervention and also the hydrological maps showing the linkage between upstream and downstream, moreso indicating the catchment areas for major rivers used by most water service provider. it aslo identified potential bussineses target for the PES schemes.



KENVO long experience working at Kikuyu Escarpment Forest and collaboration with key stakeholders such as government agencies, research institutions, private sector and other development agencies to inform, educate and build the capacity of the communities to embrace appropriate  conservation practices.

That It is important  to think more critically about how to justify the water as ecosystem service  by carrying out baseline survey. This means understanding the status of water resources and areas targeted for intervention before start of the PES


One also need to understand the drivers of degradation that affect the service being sold , which is vital for designing intervention activities  convincing the potential buyers of the ability of the sellers to deliver the promised services.