Local planning processes did not incorporate CC considerations due to a lack of technical and institutional guidance on how to include climate impacts, projections and risks into planning and everyday municipal activities such as the issuing of water extraction permits. Stakeholders had little practical awareness of what climate projections meant and the adaptation options available. Information was not always available to all nor packaged to translate learning into action.
The project invested in the development of knowledge products for water management such as a groundwater flow and quality model to provide the information required to enhance water management and regulation capacities of local authorities. The model is supported by a decision makers guide to ensure local capacity for its use in planning. The project also invested in a socialization strategy to allow communities to receive targeted information and training for a greater understanding. This has included investment in an indigenous strategy that includes traditional information and methods on water management for design of a training module to be presented through indigenous universities. To ensure continuity and availability of the information it has been systematized in a data bank located within a National Agency.
Key partnerships and understanding of local actors, concerns and vulnerabilities including identification of messaging, needs and vehicles for communication. Working with the National Adaptation Fund has been a key strength in ensuring coordination and integration of knowledge management products and their use.
Socialization is a key strategy that needs to be incorporated to ensure transformational change. This includes investing in tailored messaging for key stakeholders to favor relevance of messages and to ensure that information is used by these key stakeholder groups. Working through local institutions, responsible parties and local actors also allows for knowledge management to remain in the territory hence creating an important source of local ownership.