Actions that link smallholders with markets and financial services

Value chain development and integrated market systems development were essential tools to link environmental restoration with economic resilience. Farmers were mobilized and organized into groups, associations and cooperatives; groups organized around selected value chains, with groups enabled to sign contracts and share resources and capacities. Improved bargaining was made possible due to the confidence in producing a harvest, thanks to sufficient water.

  • Sufficient water led farmers to have confidence to engage with markets and with financial services.
  • Organizational development was needed to assist in groups as they matured and faced new problems.
  • Multi-stakeholder platforms were formed around certain value chains to bring all players together and resolve market bottlenecks. Farmers, suppliers and buyers often all benefited from these discussions.

Leadership development is critical in landscape restoration. Similarly, governance and oversight or accountability mechanisms (such as via government bodies) also are essential in smooth handling of potential problems along the way.