Capacity building on “Building with Nature solutions”, targeted at government officials, private sector, students and local communities
Enhanced capacity and awareness is required to enable and stimulate the target group and other actors to take an active role in planning and implementation of Building measures. Three different training curricula will be developed and delivered, targeting government, private sector and communities. Trainings will address both technical (e.g. rehabilitation of mangroves, construction of permeable dams), socio-economic (e.g. improved aquaculture; livelihoods diversification) and institutional (ICZM, group organising etc.) matters.
We apply an adaptive learning-by-doing capacity development strategy that is updated frequently with lessons learned. Monitoring of the recovery of the coastal systems is crucial. Instructions for the design, construction, and supervision of the project implementation are therefore continuously updated. Capacity building activities include courses and practical training, where trainees learn the Building with Nature philosophy and apply its concepts.
–Government: 100 people (p.) from district, provincial and national government agencies (fisheries service, water management service, forestry service, environmental agency, public works, secretariat office, production bureau, mangrove working group) will be trained on the applicability of the solution. After the training agencies are able to further internalize the approach in sectoral and integral coastal zone planning; 500 p reached through Training of Trainers approach.
–Private sector: 50 p. from Indonesian engineering firms will be trained on the design and implementation of the solution. They will be able to design and execute Building with Nature measures and weigh these against conventional design solutions. 250 p. reached through Training of Trainers approach.
–Communities: 250 p. from 10 communities will be trained in the implementation and maintenance of Building with Nature measures; Farmer field school activities indirectly reach all inhabitants in the 10 communities.