Community identification and selection
As the Wet Tropics Management Authority works with more than 20 Aboriginal communities in the Wet Tropics region, it was important we use a transparent and fair process to select a group to undertake a P3DM. An expression of interest was developed and distributed outlining parameters of the project, its potential benefits and what would be required of the community. Written applications were assessed, and applicants interviewed against a series of questions. Selection was based on a combination of the written applications and interviews.
Strong relationships with, and knowledge of, Aboriginal peoples of the Wet Tropics enabled a quick and simple advertising and selection process. A staff member with previous experience in P3DM and GIS allowed clear debriefing on the nature of the work - risks, advantages, timelines, potential outcomes
Using all established community networks and systems of information dissemination will the broadest range of communities to become interested in, and learn about, the value of P3DM to their community. Additionally conducting desktop research into similar international Indigenous communities that have already completed a P3DM assisted in selling a concept, P3DM, that can be difficult to adequately illustrate.