Larval propagation is a restoration method that assists coral sexual reproduction to increase the genetic diversity of corals. This technique can be used with numerous coral species and morphologies and, because of the large production of gametes during spawning events, it has the potential to scale up the number of outplanted corals on the reef. RRFB uses innovative technologies to reduce the labor, and handling time and increase the survivorship of coral larvae at large scales. After assisting fertilization, recently formed embryos are poured into floating pools (CRIB, Coral rearing in-situ Basin) designed by SECORE Int., where larvae settlement is facilitated on specially designed substrates which are then outplanted on the reef.
The presence of healthy spawning coral colonies in Bonaire provides gametes to kick-start larval propagation.
The establishment of a strong partnership with SECORE International with a shared vision for coral reef restoration.
The support from the local diving community.
The involvement of a strong team of motivated and committed people.
The support from the local government and the non-governmental organization of STINAPA, allowing the restoration activities to take place within Bonaire National Marine Park boundaries.
Begin implementing techniques on a small scale to account for varying local environmental conditions and find the most suitable locations for application
Set-up first trials using predictable and “easy to work with” coral species
Adapt larval propagation techniques to local conditions, resources availability and priorities