Key elements for ecosystem conservation are also anthropic
As part of PAMIC, great consideration on the dynamics of landscape transformation is being made. There is an attempt to identify and conserve those elements that are key for ecosystem conservation, whether they are of natural or anthropic origin. In PAMIC´s philosophy, conservation does not mean maintaining pristine ecosystems. On the contrary, conservation includes restoring managed landscapes and using sustainable practices. This allows the maintenance of the whole socio-ecological system through a sustainable use of the land, as demonstrated by shade-grown coffee production, agro-silvo-pastoral and community forest management projects, which support both livelihoods and ecosystems.
- Confidence in the social and environmental benefits of sustainable community management
- Institutional learning about the long term limitations of the "do not touch" vision of conservation as a means of conserving ecosystems;
- Network of actors with knowledge on land use and water management
- Long term mentoring of the producers;
- It is vital to make use of existing local cooperatives to generate, lead and manage the introduction of new approaches to existing productive activities
- When communities feel that their productive activities are not being threatened, they are more willing to get involved and undertake self-organized initiatives for the sustainable management of ecosystems.
- Likewise, when they identify the project as a window of opportunity to obtain support and possible financing to improve their productive activities, the commitment and interest to sustainably manage the ecosystem increases.