New skills for conservation leaders

The capacity of local conservation leaders is strengthened so they become more effective in the design and implementation of their conservation projects in a manner that will serve fellows of this programme throughout their life time.

The MAR Leadership Program offers group and individual training:

During group workshops fellows are trained in project design and their leadership abilities are refined. Targeted competencies include the development of effective communication strategies, public speaking, negotiation and conflict resolution, time management and leadership in team management.

For individual training fellows have access to a small budget that can be used to participate in courses or technical diploma programs, intensive English or Spanish classes, visits to mentors, visits to pilot projects, internships in international organizations that deal with topics associated with the fellow’s project, as well as the production of market studies and data generation to bolster the feasibility of a given fellow’s project. These funds are expended according to a training plan designed with inputs from both the program’s staff and international experts.

  • A group of committed young fellows for each cohort
  • International experts and mentors that deliver training on project design and leadership skills
  • Financial resources for program’s operation
  • Seed funding for project launching

It proved helpful to involve a consultant who provides technical advice, co-facilitates trainings, and advices in project design. Specifically, the consultant helps to:

  1. Research, review and distill the most up-to-date literature on the cohort´s topic, with an emphasis on the MAR region.
  2. Based on research above, make recommendations to fine tune the program’s regional vision of success, and clearly defined objectives that are time-bound and measurable against baselines
  3. Assist program staff in the development of a profile of the ideal fellow for the cohort and in selecting 12-14 fellows for the programme.
  4. Lead the cohorts' leadership and project development training curriculum
  5. Facilitate and identify resource people to deliver successful training workshops during the cohort cycle.
  6. Provide mentoring and technical assistance to the fellows in the incubation of their project ideas to turn them into success.