Organizational empowerment
Strengthening administrative and accounting considering the weaknesses identified under two diagnostic tools Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF) & FOCO. Implementing best fishing practices with investment in fishing gear, boats and engines, as well in the handling and processing during the post capture handle adequately in the collection centres, according to the quality standards and procedures. This component involves investments in infrastructure, equipment and tools for their processing area. Establish and implement logistic processes internally and externally to ensure the cold chain and distribution.
The replacement of nets, hooks, fishing gears, boats and engine it´s been a process with the national authority Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca (AUNAP) since 2012. The community based organizations have been establish and functioning for more than 3 years. Most of them have done projects with different entities.
Community-based organizations need a lot of following up for the administrative and accountable progress. The logistic process needs to be an effort of all the value chain to guarantee the quality of the products.