
Association with the local government, businesspersons, artists (actors, filmmakers, theater producers, designers, chefs, photographers, among others), researchers, academics and national and international foundations is a key aspect of this solution. Creating a balance between the objectives of the partners and the objectives of FONCET allows having a win-win relationship, in which partners gain more recognition as their work is widely communicated, and also they are recognized as social responsible people; in turn FONCET’s work is known in other spheres and increases the possibility of attracting more donors. Partnerships help generate creative strategies to procure partner funds and coordinate efforts to achieve the greatest possible positive impact in the region. The partners are also motivated by the strong local participation of the local communities that work committedly to improve their livelihoods as well as conserving the Reserve.

FONCET is an NGO that bases its success on partnerships that allow creating, innovating, and communicating, which in turn allows having greater impact in the conservation of natural protected areas of Chiapas.

  1. International & National Foundations: strategic alliances allow to identify financial resources as well as knowledge interchange

  2. Win-win relationships: allows strong partnerships and take advantage of partners’ potential

  3. Local government: to strengthen and increase conservation impacts

  4. CONANP: working in natural protected areas requires a strong and good relationship with CONANP

  5. Local NGO’s: essential to promote conservation

  6. Local communities: the indispensable partnership in this solution

In Mexico, especially in Chiapas, most NGOs have their main alliance with government; however, FONCET did their first partnership with local people, then with foundations and finally with governments. This allows FONCET to avoid compromising their work with government interest that may or may not always be transparent. It also allows FONCET´s projects to be long term as oppose to government projects. Finally, a lesson learned during these years, is to try as far as possible, to have a mix of partnerships. This allows having strong programs, reducing vulnerability, and leveraging and potentiating the project impacts.

As oppose to many NGOs, FONCET decided to focus its work where they knew they were creating the most value and create partnerships with other groups to implement the projects. FONCET doesn’t have a big team, they rather partner with local groups and empower them to create an efficient way of investing the resources. This strategy also helps to strengthen partners so that FONCET will not always be needed. This strategy must always be done using the subsidiarity principle.