PaRx Program: Support for conservation objectives through experiencing nature

Research shows that people who are more connected to nature do more to protect it and engage in more pro-environmental behaviours in general. Through time spent in nature, people develop a sense of attachment to natural and cultural areas and increase their support and interest in the conservation of these protected and conserved areas.


  • Research demonstrating the links between human health, nature connectedness and pro-environmental behaviours; time spent in nature, and protecting nature are solutions to improve health outcomes for both people and ecosystems.
  • Existing resources highlighting the connection between health and well being and time spent in nature
  • Demonstrating the connection between nature prescriptions and a longer-term shift to prioritize nature protection is a complex research question that will take time and more resources. Longer term data sets and new research endeavours are required to confirm the link of nature use through the program to improve support of nature protection over time.