Role of ecosystem service in the restoration process

Despite the strong dependence of the local economy on natural resources, the concept of ecosystem services is new to most of the actors intervening in the periphery of the Faro National Park.

  In addition, due to the lack of knowledge about natural processes, the loss of these resources has been noted, but their decline has often not been attributed to current practices.  Existing communal development plans focus on sectors such as water, agriculture and infrastructure, without taking into account the importance of ecosystem services.  A meeting and training enabled stakeholders from different sectors to discuss the challenges of conservation of ecosystem services and increase their knowledge in the field.

  In order to improve the process of drawing up plans and building the capacities of decision-makers at the local level, several workshops were organized with the aim of familiarizing actors with the “ecosystem services” approach and its application during the process.  planning.

- Participatory approach integrating all stakeholders.

 - Focus on the usefulness of ecosystem services for the economic development of the region.

 - Existence / creation of a good level of knowledge of natural processes (water cycle, soil fertility, etc.).

A major challenge in the context of sensitization and training of actors / decision-makers is the fact that there are large gaps in basic knowledge concerning natural processes (water cycle etc.) and climate projections.  Therefore, it was necessary to train decision-makers not only on the steps of integrating ecosystem services into plans, but also on techniques to improve the sustainable management of natural resources.

 Therefore, the technical support process takes a long time.  • In addition, popularization of documents on ecosystem services will be an asset.