Educating users about how to respect and behave responsibly in nature

As well as providing useful information about the surrounding natural area (e.g. trails, routes) and relevant information about this (e.g. routes’ terrain, length, degree of difficulty, changes in altitude), the trail centres also educate users on how to behave in nature. Codes of conduct educate users about how to respect nature while enjoying their sport/activity in a natural environment. For example, centres may provide information about how to respect nature when walking, running, or cycling on the local tracks, trails, and routes.


Some centres also provide information about the natural and cultural history on the routes, increasing users’ awareness of their natural environment.

  • Sharing information and best practice on how to behave responsibly and respectfully when in nature  
  • Clear information and explanations as to why it is important to behave responsibly and respectfully in nature 
  • Clear, effective, and easily accessibly communication channels through which information can be disseminated. The centres can act as hubs and physical spaces where information can be displayed (e.g. notice boards)
  • Establishing minimum criteria that required trail centres to provide users with information about the local area and activities that can be practiced there, encouraged trail centres to act as information hubs, informing users about the local natural environment, outdoor activities, and how to respect nature whilst enjoying outdoor sporting activities.
  • Providing information about activities such as walking, running, and cycling trails (i.e. length, difficulty, the type of terrain) encourages people to undertake activities in designated areas and limits encroachment into fragile or stressed natural areas.
  • Trail centres can signpost people less familiar with nature as to where to go, what to do, but also how to behave responsibly toward nature and why it is important to do so.