Carry out coordination meetings between bicycle groups and CPY connectivity corridor promoter group to define the budget, the route, the road map, the responsibilities and the message that will be transmitted in the current edition, for example: groups ethnic, spectacled bears - andean bears (Tremarctos Ornatus), mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), water resource or etc.
In a second moment, all the actors meet: environmental authority, private company and aid institutions to agree on logistics, support issues and the contingency plan to ensure the safety of cyclists.
The structure and communication in a government space are key to the success of the event, sometimes it is complicated to handle certain conflicts for institutional leadership and protagonism.
- Have a cooperation system.
- Establish adequate communication channels.
- Generate horizontal leadership, avoiding political and economic interests.
- Be aware of a common goal
- Leadership must be managed from civil society.
- The management of the economic resources for the development of the event must be carried out by a civil society organization.
- Interference of political interests in decisions should not be allowed.
- The participation of private companies is the key to the sustainability.
- The planning time should be about three months in advance.