Capacity building on financial management

Committee members were trained on book-keeping, basic audit process, budget planning and selection of tenders for constructions. Using partners such as the National Bank of Kenya (NBK) to train new committee members and regularly provide refresher courses for existing members has been essential to enable the Bank to grow more independently, save cost, and retain modern banking operations. Youth, especially local students, were involved to assist in drafting proposal writing and record keeping, applying what they learn at school.


The Association members were trained on writing and submitting applications for World Bank funding through HMP, which is critical for future funding or to obtain development loans. They also learned to develop their Strategic Plan 2018-2022. This strategic planning has enabled the Association to have clear focus of where they want to go. Although., there is need to start developing a new Strategic Plan for the next cycle, where partners including Base Titanium, relevant County Government department and NGOs operating in the area can be mobilised to assist in the process.

  • Capacity building and infrastructure support has been provided by partners.
  • The need to have a local bank nearby in order to reduce the cost of travelling long distance for banking.
  • Opportunity is being created for local students and youth to appreciate banking as a profession and to consider it as a career in the future.
  • Obtaining loans no longer require a laborious process with long distance travel to a major town such as Kwale or Mombasa.
  • The County Government can now channel funds more effectively and fast to the local Community Cased Organizations via KKCSA.
  • Training of Trainers - Use locally built capacity to train others and replicate projects in the neighbouring communities.
  • When trainers emerge from among the community following effective capacity building campaigns, they are appreciated locally and emulated easily.
  • Knowledge learnt in various aspects of financial management and banking opens up new career possibilities for the young, which were previously obscure such as book keeping, of foreign such as Information Communication Technology (ICT).
  • Locally nurtured capacity through training of trainers is more effective because the lessons can also be conducted in the local language.