Constructing new plant nurseries and genes banks

One of the main challenges was the low availability of adequate and viable seedlings. To overcome this challenge, the project began constructing new tree nurseries, which were all developed during 2019 and became fully operational during 2020 with the construction of 900 seedbeds. Instead of one nursery per region, as it was initially planned, the project was recommended to construct nine (9) nurseries altogether as part of the strategy to meet the 10,000 hectares restoration target or slightly more. To sustain these nurseries, the project recruited 18 Nursery Attendants (two per nursery).


The nurseries aim to increase available planting materials to supply the EbA interventions and for use by communities outside the scope of the project. The project also developed long-term business plans and revenue models to support sustained operations of expanded/created nursery facilities.

In addition, six (6) Forest Stations were refurbished as part of the nursery infrastructure.


 UNEP is also working with the Department of Forestry to explore low-cost options to establish small gene banks for use by the project and beyond the lifetime of the project. With the construction of these nurseries, adequate seedlings are and will be available throughout the year.

Enough financial and water resources to build and run the structures are needed. To build sustainable and efficient nurseries, the choice of the seeds is crucial (prior assessment recommended) and nursery attendants need to be hired. To sustain the nurseries, long-term business plans and revenue models to support activities of the nurseries should be developed.


Finally, it's key to involve the local communities and authorities in the construction and management of the nurseries and explain the economic, environmental, and social benefits of such nurseries.

  1. To ensure the adequate quantity and type of seeds, the construction of additional nurseries might be required.  
  2. An adequate number of nursery attendants is needed for the successful management of the nurseries.
  3. If establishing a new nursery, it is crucial to diversify the types of seedlings. Constructing a gene bank can be an effective means to achieve this.
  4. Large-scale restoration work requires an adequate seed bank or gene bank more broadly to store and manage seeds/planting materials of different climate-resilient species involved.
  5. Climate-resilient species preference and numbers to be planted need to be determined beforehand and allocation decisions should be within an agreed criterion as the number of seedlings may not satisfy demand or planting locations which affect project delivery.