Farmer managed natural regeneration management

This is a landscape approach where farmers leave deliberately selected native tree species on their farm land either as tree stand or as co-exsisting with crops or both. The farmer manages the trees in such a way that they do not deprive crops of the growing factors. Otherwise the trees in the farm lands improve the soil fertility and structure, protect soil from erosion while supplies wood energy and livestock fodder to the farmer. The silvicultural practices include pruning, treaming,  thinning and coppicing.

Availability of stumps in the farm land is an opportunity that hundreds of hactorage can be achieved within short period of time. Community involvement is almost obvious as the individual farmers become the primary beneficiaries of the technology unlike other solutions. The regenerants are independent of harsh conditions such as inadequate rains. The shoots start sprouting right in dry season as the mother stump has well established roots. Hence the technology never register unsuccessful results. 

Farmer managed natural regeneration is a successful solution.  As the regenerants originate from well established stumps which is native, the technology withstands unfavourable weather circumstances such just it is the promising, yielding and profiting project.