Logbook training for fishers.

It was necessary to train the fishers who are part of the process in matters of sustainability and good fishing practices. In our case this focused on the introduction and implementation of fishing logbooks.


Presentations provided a first approach to sustainability issues. They gave examples of fisheries that are developed in a sustainable way worldwide and this proved to be well accepted. The transfer of information through videos or infographics turned out to have better reception than presentations made by experts.


The implementation of fishing logbooks first needed explanation and training on why and what is necessary. The logbooks were successfully explained as an accounting system, that, if well managed, can provide information to facilitate the work of the fishers, such as the early identification of fishing areas with low yields, bad fishing seasons, economic returns of the fleet, and more.


The implementation of fishing logbooks was carried out in three phases:
1. Exercises on land filling the logbooks with fictitious fishing operations;
2. Implementation of a pilot at sea, accompanied by a professional on board;
3. Implementation in the fleet with sporadic supervision of a professional on board to identify filling errors.

- It is crucial to carry out training processes in sustainability matters with the social group that heads the solution. This helps build trust in the benefits of the solution.

- Information delivery through graphic methods as videos and images were well received by fishers.

- To validate the logbooks, the association with a nationally recognized entity in fisheries research was crucial. In this case, the association was with the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).

For the implementation of logbooks, it was useful to designate a fisherman in charge of managing the supply of logbooks to the fleet, as well as receiving and processing the information. Ideally, this post should receive a compensation in order to make it viable over time. In this case, a fund composed of contributions from the fishermen's organization members, plus external funds managed through foundations was used for this purpose.