Post training monitoring of progress and feedback
The monitoring of the interpretive efforts over time is essential as it provides continued reinforcement that the interpretation is working. Furthermore, it also acts as an opportunity for the operators to come together and discuss openly challenges faced, challenges overcome and success stories they have enjoyed. Learning from each other is the best possible feedback and having a facilitated opportunity to do this makes it realistic and beneficial to the overall effort of protecting the marine resources. The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) took on the responsibility of monitoring the interpretive efforts. The KWS was able to oversee a few meetings with various operators to discuss progress but sadly the monitoring momentum slowed down after the initial meetings.
Having regular meetings is essential. Do not assume that since the interpretive efforts are working well 2 weeks after the workshop that they will continue to do so for many more weeks thereafter. Continual reinforcement is a necessity.
In this particular solution the feedback sessions were appointed to a third party. Sadly this third party did not uphold their commitment to host these feedback sessions and as a result the interpretive efforts gradually reduced over time. When the same workshop was conducted in another Kenyan marine park efforts were made to maintain these feedback sessions and as a result interpretive efforts worked better over the long run.