Selection of adaptation measures

The process of selection of adaptation measures is one of the pillars of building block 1 (Building trust with the community and local partners), but is an important building block itself to be developed with the community. The approach that has been taken is to base the selection of measures on the local knowledge and preferences of the population. This means that they decide which activity (or activities) is / are the most appropriate for them. They have a sound knowledge of local reality in terms of opportunities and challenges and it is sufficient to ask guiding questions in order to determine with them the conditions to implement a certain adaptation measure. There are tools designed to do this such as the CARE “Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis” and CRiSTAL (Toolkit for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Project).

  • Openness of the workshop facilitators to accept proposals and guide the population in their decision-making on adaptation measures to be implemented in the community.
  • It is essential that workshop facilitators have knowledge in rural development, adaptation to climate change and facilitation techniques.

There should be no technical barriers for a population or other agents of change to implement a productive activity as a measure of adaptation to climate change. The technical support that the project should provide is to search for all possible adaptation alternatives and to adapt the existing forms of production to the expected impacts according to the climate models.