Partnerships and alliances building with businesses

To engage the downstream communities,  KENVO prepared pitch documents in form of facts sheets and documentaries  to use  to talk to potential downstream buyers. KENVO met buyers at their own offices and also invited them to come to the KBA and the forest catchments. This was to show them where the water came from and what needed to be done to maintain its flow and quality. This helped the buyers to get a better understanding of the importance of the PES scheme. KENVO identified potential buyers among them industries and water companies and tea estates. 

A business case for the site was developed  in a participatory process. Negotiation teams for the community were trained in negotiation skills to build their capacity to engage the bussineses. 



Availability of willing bussiness

intermediary (KENVO) to broker the relationships

Direct linkage between the businesses and water from the forest

Businesses (water users) are willing to engage with “sellers” as long as they can quantify the benefits they get from the forest ecosystem 


Private sector has stringent financial procedures that require credible institutions for engagement.


Need for regular consultative meetings between businesses and community institutions