Barrier Island Restoration for Disaster Risk Reduction
Barrier Islands have long been reported to provide disaster risk reduction from storm surge. Modelling shows that barrier islands contribute to storm surge attenuation, but do not remove it completely. Benefits include annual hurricane and storm damage risk reduction to the mainland, annual recreation benefits, and annual fishery losses avoided. By replacing sand back into the littoral zone, there is a long-term contribution to the sediment budget of the islands and an opportunity for island chains to replace lost sands from one place to provide growth in others. Sands are either barged in from other locations, or dredged from nearby sources, then pumped into degraded area in stages, which allows for some natural settling to occur.
Major funding, typically by federal government sources, is needed to conduct these restoration projects. Permitting and environmental impact studies must be completed to ensure no non-intentional adverse impacts occur.
Near shore and splash zone fauna will be temporarily displaced. Activities of nesting sea turtles may also possibly be displaced. Oversight of contractors performing sand placement is essential to ensure sand is placed properly in the correct place and to correct elevations.