Applying a complex-systems approach to address a conservation challenge results in improving multiple SDGs

No species exists in a vacuum. A myriad interacting forces come into play to shape their fate, at levels that go far beyond their direct ecological environment. Recognising this means shifting the focus from the species alone to englobe the entire system (ecological, social, political, economic) in which they live. It also implies accepting the uncertainty that arises from these interactions “that simultaneously affect, and are shaped by, the wider system” (Canney, 2021). This means preconceived solutions have very little, if no, chance of truly succeeding.


Not knowing what to do forced the project to ask, observe and listen, letting the answer be shaped by the context. Over the years, it has meant understanding the social-ecological context to identify key intervention points where small inputs can have relatively large impacts, “planning for a greater degree of flexibility in responding to the unexpected, seizing opportunities, and adapting to changing circumstances” (idem), and working at different levels and with a variety of stakeholders to achieve objectives. While the initial focus was on elephants, this approach has in effect delivered multiple benefits and contributed to improving many problems at once, from ecosystem degradation to compromised livelihoods, youth unemployment, local governance and social conflict.

Taking the time to truly understand and internalise complex systems theory and seeking to identify how simple, “controllable” solutions have unforeseen consequences when applied to complex situations.

Taking the time to build ecological and social literacy.

A focus on networks, connection and dynamics rather than individual entities and simple cause and effect.

A preliminary period of studying the problem in its wider context.

A host organisation (WILD Foundation) that was willing to support an unconventional (and therefore risky) approach to conservation.

Be ready to not have the answer and acknowledge that you do not know what to do.

Continually question why a phenomenon appears and seek the ultimate causes.

Seek understanding from a spectrum of disciplines, perspectives and individuals and recognise that they are all partial interpretations.

Respect everyone, even those acting against you.

Be flexible, adapt to the local situation - if an approach doesn’t work, seek why, keep trying until you find the solution. In dynamic environments solutions will need continual review.

If you want someone to do something, create the context that encourages that action, so you won’t have to be expending resources on enforcement.

Be very transparent and honest in your motivations and expect the same of the people you work with to build trust. Act from genuine motivations and be guided by the local context rather than “blue-print solutions”.

A balance of multiple disciplines and complementary skills on the team. In this case the Director was from a natural science background with some social science experience, while the Field Manager was a social anthropologist with some appreciation of natural science.

Scientific research benefits wildlife conservation

Conduction of scientific research on the effects of human activities on wildlife allowed us to better understand the effects of humans on wild animal populations. Today, we are the only who carry out scientific studies on biodiversity in the central High Atlas. The solutions proposed consist in encouraging research institutions to participate in these scientific studies and to study other zoological groups.

Scientific research is essential for conservation as it helps establish solutions based on scientific results. For example, we have shown that hunting currently used in Morocco to limit the growth of wild boar populations has, on the contrary, a postive impact on wild boars and that the conservation of wild boar predators is the best method to regulate wild boar populations. We have also shown that poaching affects populations of the Barbary macaque, Cuvier's gazelle, and of other species. The prohibition of poaching and the sensitization of habitats were the main causes for the increase in  the Barbary macaque population in the site of Ouzoud, Morocco.

The central High Atlas Mountains have a great diversity of habitats and of plant and animal species . This area is home to a variety of animal species, especially mammals with more than 24 wild mammal species and more than 120 birds.

Scientific studies allow us to understand the factors responsible for species declines and to develop appropriate solutions.

Establishing the international network for safeguarding stone tidal weirs

The cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary study of stone tidal weirs and efforts to raise awareness require the establishment of an international network.

The academic core consists of the three member universities, part of the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology: the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the University of Guam, and the University of Warsaw. The network enhances the protection and research efforts on underwater cultural heritage by connecting universities and professional training institutions, and acting as a bridge between academia, civil society, local communities, and policy makers. 

On the other hand, local NGO or NPO organizations play a central role in safeguarding or reviving stone tidal weirs. As an intermediary the academic core builds relationship between coastal community stakeholders, including NGOs or NPOs, and international organizations, including the UN, UNESCO, ICOMOS, plus local and national governments.

The UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology offers a formal platform to connect member universities and training institutions.  The academic core mediates between the local and international worlds, focusing on recognizing the importance of stone tidal weirs as underwater cultural heritage. 

Local communities are not always aware of the global and iconic relevance of stone tidal weirs as heritage assets. Academics act as mediators and provide good advice and appropriate information on stone tidal weirs to coastal communities.  

Each coastal community having stone tidal weirs seems to face similar difficulties, as well as similar environmental and social problems.

The international network provides local communities the opportunity for examining and solving them on the global base. 

Conferences and workshops organized by universities, some of which belong to the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology, involve not only academics but also representatives of coastal communities and stakeholders, policy makers, or governmental officials.



Ensuring equity and prosperity for coastal communities

A capitals approach can help compare options between two alternative livelihoods for coastal communities including the impact on people and nature

This is one of the four key shifts proposed for the transition to a sustainable blue economy. Applying a capitals approach to such a case will yield the evidence base needed to inspire action in others 

This application has yet to be compelte, and will advance the field of social and human capital valuation 

Higher contribution from ocean-based businesses to climate targets

By applying valuation to marine spatial planning, a capitals approach can help to value trade-offs when developing offshore energy

This is one of the four key shifts proposed for the transition to a sustainable blue economy. Applying a capitals approach to such a case will yield the evidence base needed to inspire action in others 

This work has yet to be carried out

More investment into sustainable ocean businesses

A capitals approach can supplement ESG metrics to yield robust information crucial for investor decision making, based on all the capitals, such as the traceability of seafood

This is one of the four key shifts proposed for the transition to a sustainable blue economy. Applying a capitals approach to such a case will yield the evidence base needed to inspire action in others 

There is a lot of appetite for sustainable investment into blue solutions and a capitals approach can help supplement ESG to make the right investment decisions 

Better management of ocean biodiversity and ecosystem services

A capitals approach can inform fisheries management supplementing traditional measures such as maximum sustainable yields with more complete metrics

This is one of the four key shifts proposed for the transition to a sustainable blue economy. Applying a capitals approach to such a case will yield the evidence base needed to inspire action in others 

This work has yet to be completed 

Capitals Coalition
West and Central Africa
North Africa
East and South Africa
Central America
South America
North America
North and Central Asia
West Asia, Middle East
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
West and South Europe
North Europe
East Europe
Better management of ocean biodiversity and ecosystem services
More investment into sustainable ocean businesses
Higher contribution from ocean-based businesses to climate targets
Ensuring equity and prosperity for coastal communities
Capitals Coalition
West and Central Africa
North Africa
East and South Africa
Central America
South America
North America
North and Central Asia
West Asia, Middle East
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
West and South Europe
North Europe
East Europe
Better management of ocean biodiversity and ecosystem services
More investment into sustainable ocean businesses
Higher contribution from ocean-based businesses to climate targets
Ensuring equity and prosperity for coastal communities
Asset Balance Sheets

Asset balance sheets log the stocks of assets and their values in the national accounts. Whereas flows of economic production--goods and services--have been used as primary indicators of the "health" of an economy, these measures do not take into account depreciation or degradation of the asset base form which these flows stem. Changes in the asset balance sheet would reflect, for example, the reduction in value of depleted fisheries stocks. 

An asset balance sheet is useful for natural capital accounting and assessing the blue economy requires periodic assessments of asset stocks that are systematically collected and comparable. This would mean regular assessments of fishery stocks, undersea ocean and mineral deposits, and port infrastructure to name a few. Monetary accounts require prices for non-market natural capital assets. 

  1. While monetary accounts are the ideal, physical accounts (e.g. kg spawning stock biomass) can be useful where market prices do not exist. 
  2. Tracking changes in the asset balance sheet are more important than a comprehensive asset balance sheet compiled as a one-off exercise. These data must be collected with regularity to be useful for tracking the sustainability of the blue economy.