Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
Authoritative Geodata and Map Services

The foundation of any SeaSketch project is geospatial information (maps) displayed as map services. There are no minimum data requirements. You can begin working with whatever you've got. Maps may be published as Esri REST Services (e.g., with ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS online) and open source mapping services (e.g., WMS, WMTS) and then imported into SeaSketch. Example maps include administrative boundaries (e.g., EEZ, territorial sea, existing MPAs), seafloor habitats, bathymetry, human uses, etc.


The maps you choose to include as Data Layers in SeaSketch depend on the goals of your process. If you are planning for marine protected areas, shipping lanes and aquaculture sites, you may want navigational charts, habitat maps, the distribution of fishing activities and other layers that may be used to guide users in the design of their plans. Protected areas are only meaningful if they effectively protect certain habitats, shipping lanes minimize collision and maximize efficiency, aquaculture sites are located in certain depth zones, etc. On a case-by-case basis, you will need to evaluate what data need to be viewed as maps, and what subset of these data need to be analysed.


In some cases, relevant map data may already be published as map services and discoverable in coastal atlases and other map portals. As long as they are in the correct formats (Esri map services, WMS, WMTS, etc), they may be imported directly into SeaSketch and displayed as map layers. 

In many cases, it will be advantageous to publish your own map services for display in SeaSketch. This will give you control over the cartography and performance of the maps.

Successful projects usually have a single GIS technician who is responsible for locating existing map services, acquiring data from providers (government agencies, NGOs, academics) and generating new map services using standard desktop and web-mapping tools. 

Government Buy-In for Collaborative Planning

SeaSketch is designed to be used primarily for collaborative planning. We've focused on Marine Spatial Planning, but the software can be used for terrestrial planning as well. Furthermore, the software is intended to help generate ocean zoning solutions. If these zones are to have a meaningful impact, such as conservation or benefits to the blue economy, there needs to be buy-in to the planning process by the host government institutions. If zones developed in SeaSketch are not legally adopted, they are less likely to have the desired effect. 

A legal mandate for marine spatial planning is essential, without which plans are unlikely to be adopted. Furthermore, successful implementation of SeaSketch requires a genuine commitment to stakeholder engagement at various levels. It is one thing to set up a SeaSketch project with maps, sketch classes, forums and surveys, but it is another thing entirely to structure a planning process so that SeaSketch is used by stakeholders. One must create an accompanying stakeholder engagement plan to ensure stakeholders make good use of the tool.

A legal mandate for collaborative marine spatial planning and that maximizes stakeholder participation is essential. Without a mandate and a timeline for planning, one can plan for ages without generating a zoning solution. Simply having collaborative planning tools will not ensure that stakeholders will be engaged or that solutions reflect a variety of stakeholder interests. 

SeaSketch Software as a Service

In most cases, SeaSketch is used to support large-scale planning efforts where governments have mandated the establishment of a marine spatial plan and where broad stakeholder involvement is essential. In these cases, SeaSketch must be licensed by a lead agency or partner. SeaSketch may be used to visualize geospatial data as map services, collect to information via surveys, sketch and discuss plans. If plans are to be evaluated using analytics, geoprocessing services and reports must be developed in our lab. Note that a free license is available for educational institutions to use SeaSketch for strictly educational purposes.


In January 2022, we will release the next version of SeaSketch which will be entirely free and open source. Just as with the current version, many of the features within SeaSketch may be configured with minimal knowledge of or experience with GIS. The analytics and reports will be run on lambda and encoded using programming languages such as Javascript. Owners of projects may, therefore, set up their own SeaSketch project – from beginning to end – without intervention from our lab. It should be noted, however, that the geoprocessing and reporting framework, though free and open source, will require significant programming experience.

Currently the implementing agency (such as a government body, foundation or NGO) must purchase the license and contract for developing analytics. The current version requires an Internet connection, but the next version will include some offline capabilities. Successful implementation of SeaSketch will require some assistance from a GIS technician, for example publishing and importing map services. 

SeaSketch is extremely valuable in creating a transparent and collaborative atmosphere, maximizing stakeholder participation, and grounding decisions in science-based information. We see the best results when SeaSketch is used in combination with other tools such as desktop GIS applications, trade-off analyses, prioritization tools (e.g., Marxan, Prioritizr), and cumulative impact analyses. 

Will McClintock
Central America
South America
North America
North and Central Asia
South Asia
West and South Europe
North Europe
SeaSketch Software as a Service
Government Buy-In for Collaborative Planning
Authoritative Geodata and Map Services
SeaSketch Surveys to Assess Ocean Use