Education, awareness, and traditional knowledge documentation

Over the past 10 years, we have focused on assessing the conservation status of endemic species and their rehabilitation in the wild. We have made a great effort to preserve it and plan for its sustainability. The most important thing that my team and I reached is that the surrounding community, users of resources, researchers, and decision-makers, whether in the site or in the government away from the place, the private sector, and students even the public can destroy everything we built during the previous years as a result of their ignorance of what we work and its importance to us and them. Dissemination of information is an external protection shield to ensure the sustainability of activities on the site. Continuous training and awareness activities should be in the target area and throughout the country in order to avoid destruction due to ignorance. Also, not documenting the traditional knowledge inherited by the local community is extremely dangerous and its loss is a waste of wealth that will cost the state and the world huge sums to discover again.

Education, awareness, and documentation, could reduce the current and future pressures and reduce the impact and the cost of recovery.

The most important factor for the success of training and awareness programs is the appropriate choice of the recipient, who preferably has contact, whether from close or from afar, with the natural resource.


Involving the community in planning and implementing conservation programs and agreeing on the sustainability and conservation of the natural resource consolidates the principle of partnership and trust and facilitates the process of documenting their knowledge.

Share with the community all your next steps and challenges and hear from them their opinions and suggestions, even if they are simple from your point of view.

Teach children in the region to understand the next generation.

Follow-up and engagement of trainees after training and awareness is very useful and works to establish and implant information within them.

Educate stakeholders about the importance of your role for their future and share the decision with them.

Involvement of Local Community in conservation Planning

The local communities that are located inside Protected Area suffer from some restrictions on the use of natural resources, which they believe are their property and right, and that they are the people of the place before the establishment of the PA. Usually, restrictions on the use of natural resources are for the purpose of protection and reducing pressures, which may affect the livelihood of some members of the local community, which they consider a process of denial of their rights. The local community owns cultural wealth that has been passed down from generation to generation on the optimal use of resources, their protection, and their propagation in simple ways. Involving that community in planning processes to protect natural resources will remove many of the penalties, whether for the management of the PA or for the community itself. Traditional knowledge is a hidden treasure that can be used to improve the state of natural resources and enhance the local community's sense of ownership and importance in protecting its resources, which will support the sustainability process and reduce disturbances

Those in charge of the selection process should map the community’s priorities in this area and points of contention, and identify influential community leaders, heard and loved by their community.

Several initial meetings should be held with community leaders, discussing them and asking for their support to mobilize community participation.

We should go to them in their areas and hold community assembly meetings to elect local representatives to coordinate conservation program activities

We learned that the local community and its traditional knowledge is a scientific wealth that should never be wasted.

The process of selecting representatives of the local community should be considered carefully, taking into account the conflict between tribes and avoiding the involvement of two dissenting parties.

Alternative opportunities must be provided when the community is prevented from some of its activities for the purpose of conservation

They should be made aware that they have the power to decide and allow communities to prioritize and select quick-impact projects to strengthen support and stimulate local participation.

Improve Knowledge about target species

Having valid and up-to-date information on the ecological and conservation status of threatened species is one of the most important elements in the establishment of an effective conservation program. Collecting data about the current geographical range, population characteristics, threats, ecology, and habitat in which species occur will help t determine the suitable habitat for the most effective rehabilitation process. The IUCN Red List is one of the most important tools and indicators for determining the conservation status of biological diversity in the world. As well as Species Distribution Models (SDMs) in determining the potentially suitable habitat for target species.

To achieve the most accurate results from this block, you must conduct a comprehensive survey of all previous studies and identify the gaps and work to fill them in simple and available ways. You must plan how the data will be collected and the scenarios where it will not be able to obtain. Your team must be trained on how to collect data and standardize methods. Pay attention to cleaning the data before using it in the analysis. Careful review by individuals outside the team to ensure its accuracy

Reviewing what was done previously and making a plan and alternatives before going to the field is one of the most important factors to save time and to get the goal

Karim Omar
Improve Knowledge about target species
Involvement of Local Community in conservation Planning
Education, awareness, and traditional knowledge documentation
Karim Omar
Improve Knowledge about target species
Involvement of Local Community in conservation Planning
Education, awareness, and traditional knowledge documentation
Rainforest Connection
Central America
South America
Southeast Asia
East Europe
Huawei Cloud AI and Tools
RFCx Hardware
Rainforest Connection
Central America
South America
Southeast Asia
East Europe
Huawei Cloud AI and Tools
RFCx Hardware
Rainforest Connection
Central America
South America
Southeast Asia
East Europe
Huawei Cloud AI and Tools
RFCx Hardware
Solar lightning kits

Combines solar solution to provide ligth and access to power and charge phones 

Solar kits 

Financial resources 


Improve life in rural commnities 


Niassa biogas project

Build partnership to implement projects in biogas in niassa reserve and other reserves in Mozambique



Capacity building 

Sustainable development