Lorenzo Mittiga
Implementation and fine-tuning of technologies and methods to propagate corals
Key partnerships to share expertise and resources
Community involvement and outreach
Lorenzo Mittiga
Implementation and fine-tuning of technologies and methods to propagate corals
Key partnerships to share expertise and resources
Community involvement and outreach
Lorenzo Mittiga
Implementation and fine-tuning of technologies and methods to propagate corals
Key partnerships to share expertise and resources
Community involvement and outreach
Tsavo Trust
Preparing for Assessment
Data for Decision Making
Partnership Collaboration, Action Planning and monitoring progress:
Tsavo Trust
Preparing for Assessment
Data for Decision Making
Partnership Collaboration, Action Planning and monitoring progress:
Building up: Implementation and Monitoring—role of self-analysis, fundraising and tools

Implementation is the desire of any plan. It is the “boots on the ground” that counts. A portion of the equation is developing a protected area enforcement plan. Equally important is the capacity to implement. To determine ability to implement, an organization must carry out a self-analysis. The plan can outline fundraising needs: capacity needs, equipment and tools. Additionally, an organization can have a buildup period for implementation showing donors the full picture of desired impact.

Adequate financing and resources are needed for implementation and monitoring. If you have these then tracking and monitoring provides the results needed to show the benefit of an enforcement plan.

The enforcement strategy is a plan, implementation is determined by other factors such as resources. The plan can be a fundraising tool as it clearly outlines desired state and needs.

Use of advanced technology
Stakeholders’ engagement and sensitisation of local population
Use of advanced technology
Stakeholders’ engagement and sensitisation of local population
Use of advanced technology
Stakeholders’ engagement and sensitisation of local population
Build collaborative environment

Enforcement involves more than just one organization. The entire process in development and implementation of an enforcement strategy must be participatory. Ultimately, stakeholders must be involved as they can have a positive or negative effect on outcomes. In this case local government agencies are crucial to be involved (i.e coast guard, police, military, government agencies). Equally important are community members of influence who can become stewards educating on legislation and the protected area rules ultimately to help reduce poaching. Additionally, the value of strong community support is the fact that they can become “eyes on the ground”.

All partners are to be equally valued in terms of input as this will affect implementation. Process of engagement and facilitation are key.

Ease of implementation of the enforcement plan is directly tied to having good partners and community support.