Incremento del cobro de patentes de operación turística
Creación del Fondo de Inversión Ambiental para la Reserva Marina de Galápagos
Planeación y ordenamiento territorial
Conocer y gestionar los instrumentos, instancias y procesos en los cuales se planifica los modelos de ocupacion del territorio, el uso del suelo y la reglamentación de actividades es fundamental para la gestión efectiva de áreas protegidas y la viabilidad del territorio
Fortalecimiento de capacidades en ordenamiento territorial.
El auge de lo rural en la planeación y la nueva agenda urbana mundial que permite ver no son solo las ciudades sino que existen asentamientos humanos.
La tendencia y compromiso de gestionas las áreas protegidas mas alla de las fronteras.
Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible
Territorio no es solo un concepto polisemico sino el escenrario donde se gestionan los diferentes intereses sociales e institucionales.
En el territorio no solo existen conflcitos socioambientales sino etnico territoriales, sectoriales y politico administrativos, pero la gestión de todos ellos requiere de un acuerdo social.
Posicionar la biodiversidad y áreas protegidas en politicas publicas de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial requiere la gestión intersectorial y el desarrollo de habilidades para la participación de instancias técnicas con contribuciones técnicas que aporten a metas comunes, es decir aprender a ser parte de un colectivo y gestionar en red
Reciprocal Conservation easements to assure long term conservation and financing of protected area
The Oasis de la Campana real estate project allocates a sector that is subdivided into properties of 0.5 hectares for real estate purposes and another sector of 1000 hectares to conservation of Mediterranean forest and its biodiversity. Through the legal framework of reciprocal environmental easements between the parcels of the real estate sector and the area destined for conservation and the delivery of these lands to a non-profit Foundation, the legal protection in perpetuity of the 1000 hectares is ensured.
On the other hand, this same legal framework ensures that the common expenses of the owners of the real estate subdivision finance not only the maintenance of their common areas but also the maintenance activities of the wilderness area to be conserved. This includes protection and restoration activities such as: construction and maintenance of perimeter fences to prevent the entry of livestock, personnel for horseback monitoring to control fencing deterioration, poaching and fire prevention; restoration activities with planting of native plant species and scientific studies with universities. And maintenance of trails, signage and infrastructure as viewpoints and a refuge.
The legal framework in the country that allows the implementation of reciprocal easements for environmental purposes.
The legislation of the countries of Latin America to be derived from the Roman Code usually include this legal framework. On the other hand alglosaxon laws also have similar systems or through the Royal Right of conservation. In this way it has a wide application in different countries.
Many times there are very old legal frameworks such as easements that for lack of imagination have not been applied and that can be very useful for the conservation of biodiversity and protected areas in perpetuity.
In this way, reciprocal environmental easements also ensure perpetuity protection and the financing of the maintenance costs of the wilderness area to be conserved, which is one of the most critical financing in a protected area. Many times protected areas are created or land is purchased for this purpose, but then there is not the necessary financing to ensure their protection permanently. This is a good example of how to do it and that has been operating for more than 20 years in Oasis de la Campana.
On the other hand, allocating the conserved lands to a non-profit Foundation ensures a correct administration
The owners of the subdivision earn by protecting their lands and by preserving 1000 hectares, they ensure the protection of the landscape and have environmental services that contribute to the whole community.
A real estate project is created that not only includes subdivisions for housing. It is intended that the location of the project is in an area that helps the conservation of biodiversity, for example, the presence of endemic species or conservation problems, or ecosystems that are hotspots. The most important sector for biodiversity is dedicated to conservation and this is incorporated as an ecological Reserve for the project without the existence of subdivisions for housing. On the other hand, the section that is destined to the subdivision for dwellings also establishes environmental restrictions of constructibility (eg no fences that avoid transit of fauna) and behavior (eg, not hunting). It also promotes the protection and restoration of fauna and flora in subdivisions for housing and in the sector destined to reserve.
This is how a real estate project is offered with a plus that helps conservation.
Mainly have a Real State company with interest in conservation and who see that you can also have an economic activity conserving. On the other hand buyers who have an interest in conservation or who see the dvantage of buying in a place where the conservation of biodiversity and landscape is assured in the long term.
Local community that values the conservation initiative and that the land is not used for other intensive productive purposes.
That it is possible to develop a real estate project that helps conservation and that is economically profitable. That there are people interested in buying in this type of projects with a natural environment and a conservation mission. Which is an instrument that can be used for conservation in land of high commercial value where it competes with other economic activities that not preserve biodibversity. That is a type of project that also gives work to the local community.
But still it is needed a lot of education because many times just out of ignorance the Realtors feel that an important area for biodiversity within their property is more a problem than an opportunity. Also the people who buy sometimes do not understand the importance of the biodiversity that surrounds them since they come from more urban sectors. And also because they are inciativas with private origins cause distrust in that in fact you want to make conservation, so it is important to have available regulatory legal frameworks.
Reciprocal Conservation easements to assure long term conservation and financing of protected area
Conservación de la biodiversidad marina
La pesca de pequeña escala es un potencial para la conservación marina
CoopeSoliDar R.L, 2017
La red de áreas marinas de pesca responsable hoy reune a más de 11 áreas territoriales marinas y 2 en proceso de ser reconocidas, que brindan protección a las especies marinas a través de un esfuerzo de pesca responsable . Las áreas protegen biodiversidad en el Pacifico y el Caribe de Costa Rica. Se han desarrollado ejercicios de ciencia ciudadana e investigación participativa que demuestran los beneficios biológicos de este tipo de áreas marinas bajo modelos de gobernanza compartidos.
Unión entre territorios marinos y pesca responsable.
Definición de formas de gobernanza compartida para la toma de decisiones.
Planes de trabajo conjuntos
Buenas prácticas
Ciencia ciudadana e investigación participativa
Integración del conocimiento tradicional y cientifico
La conservación marina se da con una amplia participación de los sectores interesados de pesca de pequeña escala.
Sin esa participacion la conservación marina no será una realidad, la pesca de pequeña escala es un enorme potencial para la conservación del mar.
Existen ejemplos concretos donde los pescadores artesanales son un potencial para la conservación y no una amenaza, es importante su divulgación.
La investigación participativa permite la toma de acciones inmediatas a favor d elos ecosistemas marinos.