Restor Platform

Thanks to the platform, we analyze the restoration potential of our reserve, monitoring changes over time with satellite images and geospatial data, thus knowing the local biodiversity and its characteristics, current and potential soil carbon, as well as other variables such as patterns of land cover, soil acidity, or annual precipitation, using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and scientific units of measure.

  • Access to spatial information.
  • Updated scientific data and resources.
  • Increases the impact, scale, and sustainability of restoration efforts.
  • Restor is accelerating the global restoration movement by connecting everyone, everywhere to local restoration.
  • Restor connects people to scientific data, supply chains, funding, and each other to increase the impact, scale, and sustainability of restoration efforts.
  • Is not just about trees or forests, but also about grasslands, wetlands, coastal habitats and all the other places that support life on Earth.