Restauration de la Madone
West and South Europe
Leveraging Knowledge Hubs for Sustainable Capacity Building

The Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), in partnership with IUCN Mozambique, launched three Knowledge Hubs as part of its efforts to centralise and streamline conservation and restoration training and knowledge exchange from the central to local levels and from public administration to communities. These hubs serve as essential training tools, particularly for mangrove restoration and protection, and for the broader application of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for both communities and policymakers.

Located within government premises in Maputo, Maputo National Park, and Pemba, the hubs function as open-access centres where conservation manuals, tools, and courses, including those from the IUCN Academy, are shared. These resources, (e.g. on NbS, Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs), mangrove restoration) translated to Portuguese and tailored to local projects and communities, help expand the reach of conservation knowledge, especially to rural communities, women, and youth. By offering systematic online and in-person training, the hubs provide a space for both tailored learning and socio-economic development, incorporating important dimensions of governance, gender, and youth engagement.

The Knowledge Hubs empower local communities, especially those in buffer and coastal areas, to become active agents in conservation and climate adaptation by providing tools on topics such as mangrove restoration and NbS. This initiative not only promotes sustainable practices but also nurtures a culture of learning and participation. 

The Knowledge Hubs have proven to be a cost-effective solution for training, using existing infrastructure and only require internet connectivity. The program includes in-person training, such as the “Blue Training in Practise” program, which successfully trained over 20 professors and MTA staff to integrate coastal and marine management into local development plans and projects This approach is designed as a long-term, cross-sectoral process, ensuring that biodiversity, climate, and development considerations are incorporated into local development strategies. Where possible, the program also facilitates personal exchanges with local communities to enhance engagement and knowledge transfer.

Furthermore, the Knowledge Hubs have also served as a model for other development and conservation actors, attracting in-kind and financial support, which further strengthens partnerships and raises awareness.

Partnerships with the government and IUCN’s funding members, such as WWF, and local leaders have been instrumental in the success of the Knowledge Hubs.

Success depends on developing a clear investment plan, selecting reliable internet providers, and designating competent actors to manage content development and uploading. Collaboration with local and international partners is essential for sustaining the hubs and expanding their reach.

By establishing these Knowledge Hubs and prioritizing capacity-building, IUCN has not only shared essential tools for conservation but has also contributed to the long-term sustainability of conservation efforts in Mozambique.

Fostering Strong Partnerships for Collaborative Conservation

IUCN’s approach was rooted in its membership union, of which the Government of Mozambique is a partner. Mozambique hosts several key IUCN members, including Peace Parks Foundation, WCS, and WWF, as well as benefiting from EU-funded initiatives like PANORAMA. This made it easier for IUCN to assess interest and support for establishing a platform for knowledge and information sharing, such as the Dialogue Platform.

IUCN worked closely with the Ministry of Land and Environment, including ANAC, to engage local organisations and governments in identifying key thematic and policy areas for discussion. This approach helped streamline conservation and development approaches and manuals, creating a unified voice to influence policy and aligned the conservation actor’s engagement and agreement. The first edition of the Dialogue Platform was a success, providing an open dialogue with the government and conservation actors to discuss biodiversity and conservation priorities. The event also featured the SOMN Mangrove Champion Awards, that were jointly presented by an IUCN representative, the German Embassy representative and the MTA Permanent Secretary, underscoring the value of partnerships and recognition in promoting environmental efforts.

By nurturing partnerships, IUCN ensured that the voice of conservation actors remained active, positively influencing policy decisions, particularly in mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem-based adaptation into all development projects. The continued activities of the Dialogue Platform deepened engagement around themes such as land use and the management of competing land interests.

IUCN’s strong network of members, its outreach, and a positive image with conservation actors and donors, as well as the public image, helped build trust and facilitate cooperation with government and local organizations.

IUCN´s membership, IUCN´s outreach and positive image with donors and conservation actors, visibility and public image and, as before said, Government´s trust.

Early engagement with the government and partners was critical for success. Clear communication and joint planning helped identify common goals and build consensus. Once common interests were established, an agenda was designed to address key thematic areas and ensure broad participation.