Scoping Mission and Preliminary Study to Identify and Select Potential Urban EbA Measures in Dong Hoi City

In order to identify the most feasable urban EbA measures with the highest potential to pilot in Dong Hoi city, the first step was to carry out a scoping mission and a preliminary study to collect and analyse data to provide a scientific basis for the consultation process. The objective was to provide a detailed review and analysis of previous studies and information gathered through structured stakeholder engagement via interviews, focus group discussions and stakeholder consultations for a participatory selection of pilot measures with relevant partners. 

The scoping mission and the preliminary study were conducted to provide further insight into the specific vulnerabilities and the possible adaptation responses for Dong Hoi city. The findings were used to identify a short list of urban EbA measures as well as any outstanding knowledge gaps and/or information needs for the next steps. 

A multi-stakeholder engagement event was held to promote an open dialogue between stakeholders to discuss key issues related to climate impacts and local vulnerabilities. This knowledge exchange among key stakeholders strengthened relationships among key partners, enhanced partners’ understanding of urban EbA measures as well as generated knowledge to fill information and data gaps identified in the preliminary study.

Selection Process
Analysis: The identification, development and assessment of the selected urban EbA measures was based on a functionalistic approach in which the cause and effect of the main hazards compiled during the preliminary assessment and the scoping mission provided the basis for the revision of final measures. These measures, based on the causes of the key problems and their linkages to current and future climate hazards, were meant to take into account short-term and long-term considerations as much as possible.

Selection: The selection criteria were based on the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) Assessment Framework for EbA Quality Standards. It was used in a participatory selection exercise during the second multi-stakeholder event and during consultation with key partners. The use of the framework provided a scientific and transparent selection process, based on an internationally endorsed tool.

The final measures, based on this selection process, was defined as: 1) Cau Rao EbA River Park (water retention areas), 2) Rain Gardens (green wall and green roof) and 3) Water Flow Management (SUDS).

  • Good cooperation, engagement and a learning attitude from local authorities and stakeholders for the topics and their willingness to change, making the urban EbA selection exercise more interesting and practical
  • Deep understanding of challenges, needs and expectations of key stakeholders towards climate change adaptation measures for their sector development and provision of useful advice 
  • Exchange and dialogue between relevant stakeholders and involvement in shared discussions on their roles, mandates and cooperation in their daily work to enhance sector resilience 
  • Leading role of key stakeholders in selection and decision processes
  • Awareness raising of provincial partners about climate change adaptation and urban EbA through their integration in the process of data collection, focused group discussions, stakeholder consultations and the selection process 
  • Early involvement of key partners and the private sector into participatory processes to enhance their ownership of the process and the selected urban EbA measures
  • Facilitation of communication and cooperation between different government entities and the private sector in the processes to ensure a successful implementation in the next phase
Involving the private sector

The private sector has a profound role to play in catalyzing and accelerating the transition to an inclusive sustainable blue economy (ISBE).  There has, however, been minimal private sector engagement in ISBE matters. Our Blue Future has developed a private sector engagement strategy, which focuses on effective ways to engage the private sector and the benefits they can gain.  


The private sector is driven by opportunities, value creation, financial risk, operational risks, and regulatory risks. Our Blue Future offers the private sector opportunities through Innovation Teams to mobilize resources, a showcase platform, a collective voice for advocacy, an innovation testing ground, matchmaking with other partners, a sense of community, and the chance to build a legacy.

  • Having a clear framework, structures, and forms developed on how to engage the private sector is essential to ensure all partners have equal participation rights.
  • Honest dialogue and building a common understanding between partners help foster collaboration and alignment of goals to avoid the notion that private sector partners have more influence over decisions within the multi-stakeholder initiative.

  •  Building interest and partnerships by highlighting the benefits of collaboration beyond economic benefits is essential.

  • Defining roles and responsibilities of private sector partners helps establish clarity and ensures that each partner contributes their unique expertise and resources to the collaboration.

  • Pre-screening potential partners to ensure productive partnerships, which involves assessing their capabilities, values, and alignment with the objectives of the initiative.

  • Clustering private sector partners into different sectors based on their interests has been useful, such as through OBF’s Innovation Teams. This clustering approach enables focused collaboration within specific industries or areas, fostering synergies and maximizing impact.

Create awareness and engage the Aquapesca staff in establishing a more gender-inclusive environment

A rapid assessment enabled us to intricately outline the methodological workflow for our collaboration with the company Aquapesca. This workflow began with the formation of the Change Makers Group, working in close tandem with the MUVA team to grasp the methodologies necessary for ensuring the sustainability of our approach within the organization. The Change Makers Group was entrusted with the responsibility of spearheading processes within the organization, ultimately becoming champions of inclusion and gender equality, working in conjunction with colleagues and leadership. Following the group's inception, leadership training was conducted to create awareness and generate initial ideas regarding the areas of focus for action plans with new practices and policies for the company. Subsequently, the Change Makers Group was trained, building capacity for them to facilitate the approval of these plans and mobilize working groups dedicated to each area of work. 

  • Engagement of the CEO and other executive leadership members
  • Motivation of young people selected to participate in the Change Makers Groups and to lead the process as part of their skills development in career progression
  • The time of staff engagement should be well forecasted at the beginning of the project to guarantee availability and to not overburden them.
  • Communicate the needs of the company leadership about the team’s availability and resources.
Educating users about how to respect and behave responsibly in nature

As well as providing useful information about the surrounding natural area (e.g. trails, routes) and relevant information about this (e.g. routes’ terrain, length, degree of difficulty, changes in altitude), the trail centres also educate users on how to behave in nature. Codes of conduct educate users about how to respect nature while enjoying their sport/activity in a natural environment. For example, centres may provide information about how to respect nature when walking, running, or cycling on the local tracks, trails, and routes.


Some centres also provide information about the natural and cultural history on the routes, increasing users’ awareness of their natural environment.

  • Sharing information and best practice on how to behave responsibly and respectfully when in nature  
  • Clear information and explanations as to why it is important to behave responsibly and respectfully in nature 
  • Clear, effective, and easily accessibly communication channels through which information can be disseminated. The centres can act as hubs and physical spaces where information can be displayed (e.g. notice boards)
  • Establishing minimum criteria that required trail centres to provide users with information about the local area and activities that can be practiced there, encouraged trail centres to act as information hubs, informing users about the local natural environment, outdoor activities, and how to respect nature whilst enjoying outdoor sporting activities.
  • Providing information about activities such as walking, running, and cycling trails (i.e. length, difficulty, the type of terrain) encourages people to undertake activities in designated areas and limits encroachment into fragile or stressed natural areas.
  • Trail centres can signpost people less familiar with nature as to where to go, what to do, but also how to behave responsibly toward nature and why it is important to do so.
Increasing and improving access to natural spaces and outdoor sporting activities

The Trail Centres act as physical spaces that increase and improve access to physical activities in nature, contributing to physical and mental well-being.


Their carefully chosen locations in proximity to nature (forests, water, and trails) help establish freely accessible, round-the-clock meeting places and start-points for outdoor sporting activities. As some are located close to urban areas, they also provide a gateway from urban to natural environments. 


Their combination as an all-in-one clubhouse, provider of service facilities, and meeting and training space, makes them ideal sites for local sports associations to use, as well as un-affiliated groups or individuals. This provides a space for socialising within, and between, sports and promotes relationship-building amongst users and with local sports associations.


Providing access to service facilities participation in outdoor sports activities (e.g. bicycle pumps and cleaning stations; covered training space; functional training equipment (stairs, monkey bars, TRX, etc.); storage space for equipment; and changing rooms/showers/toilets). As sites for borrowing equipment (e.g. map and compass, roller skis, SUP boards, etc.), the centres also encourage people to try new activities in nature in an affordable manner. 

  • The choice of location: trail centres must be near natural environments conducive to outdoor activities. Building them on the outskirts of urban areas, yet still close to nature, provides ideal gateways to nature. Analysis of recreational opportunities, infrastructure, terrain, etc. helps determine ideal locations.
  • Correctly determining the functions and services to be provided by the trail centres to best-meet users’ needs.
  • Organising workshops with stakeholders allowed these to discuss and determine user needs as well as which functions trail centres needed to provide to accommodate these needs. This shaped the trail centres’ different designs and helped to determine the core facilities that centres had to provide, as well as the additional facilities specific to community needs or interests.
  • Participatory workshops also ensured that trail centres provided access to activities and areas that could be appealing to users – both to those practicing outdoor activities as well as to those who might be interested in discovering new nature-based outdoor activities. 
  • Choosing to locate some centres near urban areas was also important for improving urban populations’ access to nature.
  • Providing information about activities such as walking, running, and cycling trails (i.e. length, difficulty, the type of terrain, etc.) is helpful for encouraging people to undertake nature-based sporting activities, particularly those who may be less familiar with the local area or a specific activity.
Cross-sectorial cooperation and participatory approach to planning and design

The trail centre project was built on cross-sectorial cooperation. The five trail centres that are being built have all been developed and built in close collaboration with stakeholders across different sectors. These included the local municipalities where the centres would be built, the local sports associations who would be using the sites, local citizens and would-be users, as well as other interested parties. 

The participatory approach included holding 4 to 5 workshops with stakeholders to understand user needs, ideas, etc. This both enabled and ensured dialogue between the architects involved in the planning and design processes of the trail centres and the users/interested parties. Dialogue with architects also ensured that the buildings’ aesthetics, as well as functions, met stakeholders’ wishes.

The activities provided, or facilitated, by the trail centres were developed in collaboration with the local actors and associations. A participatory approach to planning also gives the users and local community a greater sense of ownership and helps ensure a sense of community between actors and across their respective sports.

Additionally, the development of the minimum criteria for determining the location and functions of the trail centres arose through cross-sectorial collaboration between project members.

  • Holding numerous workshops with stakeholders across planning and design stages ensures consistent collaboration across sectors.
  • Workshops with users facilitates greater understanding of user needs, opinions, and ideas which can positively influence the planning and design of trail centres. This can ultimately help determine the success of the trail centre in catering to user needs as well as the local community’s satisfaction with the end product.
  • Holding workshops with stakeholders helped architects and those delivering the project to understand user needs and helped inform the functions that trail centres should provide for their users. Workshops acted as a space where stakeholders could share ideas and voice their opinions, ultimately ensuring that centres could best meet local communities’ and users’ needs.
  • Organising multiple workshops ensured that there was consistent dialogue and idea sharing between parties throughout the design and development stages of trail centres.
  • A participatory approach to planning and design also enabled stakeholders to voice their opinions regarding the aesthetics of trail centres, an often-contentious topic that is crucial to the overall success of infrastructure projects.
Establishing minimum criteria for the location, design, and functions of the trail centres, and the information that they must provide to users

To ensure the success of trail centres, the project members developed a number of minimum criteria for the location and design of the trail centres. Criteria was also established regarding the minimum service functions that the trail centres need to accommodate as well as the information that centres need to present. 


Minimum criteria:

  • located at the centre of a varied range of trails, routes, and tracks that are preferably marked
  • situated in an interesting park area, terrain, landscape or natural area
  • information about e.g. the routes’ terrain, length, degree of difficulty, changes in altitude
  • parking spaces
  • a common room that all sports associations can use
  • a covered area for e.g. gatherings, warm-up stretches, abdominal exercises
  • a good range of relevant service functions


Each of the centres that have been, or are being, developed adhere to these minimum criteria. They are all located in or near natural environments that provide access to different outdoor sporting activities. Core service functions are integral to the architectural designs of each centre. 

  • Communication with local partners to understand user needs and determine core design functions.
  • Clear vision: Project members established core purposes of trail centres
    • Increasing social coexistence and understanding across different user-groups
    • Developing all-in-one facilities that meet different user-group needs
    • Increasing participation in, and accessibility of, nature-based sports/exercise
    • Increasing awareness of, and interest in, the nature that underpins their activities
    • Inspiring others to establish high-quality trail centres based on the above goals
  • Cross-sectorial collaboration is crucial for determining what criteria is deemed necessary for successful centres, as well as to better understand user needs.
  • Establishing minimum criteria for trail centres ensures that these will accommodate and fulfil the service functions that are required and desired by users – critical for informing the architectural design of the centres.
  • Determining minimum criteria also ensures that trail centres are situated in natural areas that provide opportunities for diverse outdoor activities. This guarantees that trail centres are located in the most suitable natural environments and in areas where many activities can be practiced. In some cases, it also provides opportunities to bridge the gap between urban and natural environments and facilitates access to nature for urban populations.
  • Requiring trail centres to share information about their surrounding areas ensures that users have easy access to information relating to their outdoor activities as well as the best-practices and codes of conduct that one must adhere to whilst participating in outdoor nature-based activities.
Interpretation of the therapeutic cultural landscape of spa towns

There is an increased emphasis put on linking natural and cultural heritage into the activities of visitors coming to spas, developing experiences that are both leisure and part of the cure programme, alongside existing medical practices. This is also a reminder of how spas were conceived in the 19th century as beautiful hospitals, where the built and natural environment contributed significantly to the cure, health, and well-being of people. Govora offers an ideal place to develop a unique tourist offer for Romania, where heritage makes a measurable contribution to the health and well-being of residents and visitors.

Within the Govora Heritage Lab, Studiogovora is currently working on an interpretation plan about the complexity of Govora’s heritage, aiming to raise awareness within the local community, decision-makers and visitors.The aim is to preserve the heritage values, while influencing development, and foster community’s stewardship. Alongside the interpretation plan, the team organises guided tours, exhibits, and promotes the spa town on social media and in the press.

  • Team members specialised in interpretation of cultural heritage through training with Interpret Europe
  • Extensive research into balneary heritage
  • Lack of heritage interpretation on a local level

The current state of local heritage plays an important role in shaping the story of the place. It is challenging to talk about how the resort functioned in the past and present the possibilities for an optimistic and feasible future when so many buildings are in disrepair.

Heritage interpretation is still very much linked to the authorised heritage discourse, heritage designation and recognition. It is still challenging to create a participatory and inclusive approach to heritage interpretation, when people expect others to “take care of heritage” and establish top-down approaches.

The team periodically conducts interviews to gather personal stories. Both visitors and residents are willing to share and become enthusiastic when these are included in the interpretation offered by Studiogovora in the guided tours, and this has also led to a rise in the number of locals attending.

Satellite Data

Satellite data forms the bedrock of the 3LD-Monitoring system, harnessing the capabilities of open-source imagery from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 and LANDSAT satellites. An algorithm, meticulously developed by Remote Sensing Solutions (RSS) GmbH, revolutionizes this process. Users can seamlessly submit the shapefile of their area of interest, prompting the algorithm to automatically fetch and analyze relevant data. A spectrum of robust analyses are conducted including the 5-year vegetation trend using NDVI for assessing vegetation gains or losses, 5-year vegetation moisture analysis through NDWI, and a nuanced 5-year rainfall trend evaluation. Additionally, the algorithm facilitates the visualization of vegetation changes since the inception of the project, bolstering the monitoring framework with dynamic insights. Satellite data, a vital component of the 3LDM-Monitoring system, leverages open-source imagery from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission and LANDSAT satellites. For predefined areas, this data is automatically fetched and analyzed for specific parameters. Key analyses include a 5-year vegetation trend using NDVI as a proxy for vegetation gains or losses, a 5-year vegetation moisture trend through NDWI, and a 5-year rainfall trend. In addition vegetation changes from project start can be visualized.

Effective use of this building block hinges on users drawing and saving areas in GIS platforms like QGIS. Additionally, enhancing the shapefile with project specifics, such as start dates and FLR type, optimizes analysis. Proper training in these skills ensures accurate data input and tailored monitoring, making capacity building in these areas essential if not present.

While satellite data, especially open-source, offers broad insights, its capability for species identification is highly restricted, if not unattainable. This limitation emphasizes the indispensable role of field work in discerning species composition and characteristics. Additionally, understanding the innate constraints of satellite imagery, especially with young tree plantations, reinforces the need for integrating field and drone data to gain a comprehensive view of forest terrains.

Developing Forest Management and Landscape Restoration Frameworks for Chilgoza Forest Ecosystems

To strengthen Pakistan’s policies and legal frameworks in support of FLR and sustainable land management, TRI Pakistan has facilitated the development of forest management and landscape restoration frameworks for Chilgoza Forest Ecosystems in the four districts of Sherani, Chitral, South West, and Gilgit Baltisan with technical input and hosting and engaging in the consultation of stakeholders. While the Chilgoza Forest Multi-Function Management Plan for the Sherani District has been finalized and a draft for the South West Multi-Function Management Plan has been drafted, the plans for Chitral and Gilgit Baltisan are still under development. The plans are drafted by the respective district’s forest departments and work to address economic concerns, biodiversity conservation, and the key drivers of degradation. The plans are also built on the findings of the participatory ROAM assessments TRI Pakistan conducted, which included key stakeholders from all four project districts and identified restoration opportunities and priority interventions such as more efficient cooking stoves. Ultimately, these plans facilitate the implementation of FLR and sustainable land management at the local level as they are made with input from local stakeholders and outline management measures designed with their communities’ priorities in mind.

In order to develop these policies in a way that best addresses the needs of the four districts, TRI Pakistan’s ROAM assessments were vital. As a way to ensure hotspots are given priority, properly conducting the assessments was also critical. Pakistan trained forty-four professionals and key stakeholders from all districts on the ROAM methodology to ensure the process was inclusive as possible and effective in identifying priorities to be addressed in the management plans.   

From the development of the four districts’ Chilgoza Forest Multi-Functional Management Plans, TRI Pakistan learned multiple lessons on how forest management should be approached at the local level and how differences in local communities affect the prioritized goals and measures. Beginning with the ROAM assessments, TRI Pakistan was able to see where the districts differed in their prioritized restoration areas, which interventions they pursued, and the overall goals and economic needs of local community groups. From these assessment findings, the respective forest departments, in elaborating the plans, also showed the team how their district context affected the way they approached FLR and sustainable land management. Understanding how the different local communities approach forest management further helped TRI Pakistan facilitate the government’s transition in considering local and private sector perspectives in the implementation of national forest and climate policies.