Release and Monitoring

Chicks are reared for various lengths of time depending on age and how well they acclimate to the pen. Prior to release to the wild, chicks are given a full health assessment, and banded with a unique color and number combination. 


Once released, chicks adapt quickly, foraging on their own almost immediately. BRI biologists monitor the chicks daily when first released, then weekly until they fledge.

Making sure the chicks are healthy and well fed before releasing them. A wildlife veterinarian is on staff. 

Closely monitoring is critical to be sure of the chick's health, but to learn more about loon ecology.


Loon chicks acclimate quickly to the wild. 


Project oversight, evaluation and future planning

Project oversight plays an important role in implementing lessons learned, and there is a constant flow of information between our team in Congo and the UK office. Beyond the core team access to other key professionals is also continuously available, such as our UK veterinary team, should their advice be needed. Setting effective baselines at the start of the project is an effective tool when evaluating progress. The project has no defined end date, and future planning is always under review. Information and data gained through oversight and evaluation are key elements of future planning.

Good attention to detail and disciplined approach to record keeping. Good communication. The ability to be innovative and adapt to new, or changing, situations.

Well trained and motivated staff ensure accurate data collection. Knowledge of local people is a valuable resource. It is important to build on successful elements of the project and equally important to analyse and adjust for the less successful so that future planning can benefit from both.

Access to technology

Camera traps are an important tool for monitoring and gathering information, and have been used by the team for a number of years. More recently we have been able to train, and equip patrol teams in using the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART).

Patrol team members that are willing to learn and want to advance their skills, combined with an effective training programme for the use of different types of technology.

Having access to the right technological tools increases efficiency of data collection and allows for more time efficient analysis. To take full advantage of the more advanced technology, such as SMART patrols which require a learning curve, effective training is required to ensure each patrol has a minimum of one fully-trained team member.

Collaboration of appropriate authorities and creating a team

Effective collaboration with the relevant authorities in the Republic of Congo is a key element to the project. This is not limited to permission to carry out conservation work in country, but is also important for the long-term relationships required, including the joint patrols of the reserve and enforcement of laws and regulations that are essential for long-term management of a protected or conservation area. Team composition is also extremely important and the Aspinall Congo team are almost entirely Congolese.

A strong team formed of Congolese nationals who understand the systems and processes in country.

Good communication, and development of mutual trust and respect are important to successful relationships.


After the system obtains fire event information from satellites, UAVs, ground cameras and forest rangers, it will immediately transmit the video image of the fire scene to the fire department, which will deploy firefighters to extinguish the fire according to the fire situation. Because the system can detect the fire event in time and report to the fire department, many fire events were extinguished when the fire was very small and did not develop into very large fire event.

The fire event information can be submitted to the fire department in time to prevent the fire from getting bigger and buy time for fire fighting.

Satellite, UAV, ground camera and forest ranger shall record video during work; With the video, after the hot spot is checked as a fire event, FIRE SUBMISSION MODULE will submit the fire event and fire video to the fire department.

Role of ecosystem service in the restoration process

Despite the strong dependence of the local economy on natural resources, the concept of ecosystem services is new to most of the actors intervening in the periphery of the Faro National Park.

  In addition, due to the lack of knowledge about natural processes, the loss of these resources has been noted, but their decline has often not been attributed to current practices.  Existing communal development plans focus on sectors such as water, agriculture and infrastructure, without taking into account the importance of ecosystem services.  A meeting and training enabled stakeholders from different sectors to discuss the challenges of conservation of ecosystem services and increase their knowledge in the field.

  In order to improve the process of drawing up plans and building the capacities of decision-makers at the local level, several workshops were organized with the aim of familiarizing actors with the “ecosystem services” approach and its application during the process.  planning.

- Participatory approach integrating all stakeholders.

 - Focus on the usefulness of ecosystem services for the economic development of the region.

 - Existence / creation of a good level of knowledge of natural processes (water cycle, soil fertility, etc.).

A major challenge in the context of sensitization and training of actors / decision-makers is the fact that there are large gaps in basic knowledge concerning natural processes (water cycle etc.) and climate projections.  Therefore, it was necessary to train decision-makers not only on the steps of integrating ecosystem services into plans, but also on techniques to improve the sustainable management of natural resources.

 Therefore, the technical support process takes a long time.  • In addition, popularization of documents on ecosystem services will be an asset.

B2: Communication and capacity building strategy for climate action

The first step towards the development of a target group specific communication and capacity building strategy was a KAP analysis (knowledge, attitude, practices), which established a baseline, in terms of understanding the private sector´s knowledge about climate change, as well as its attitude towards the topic and the practices already in place. The analysis also included a capacity needs assessment, which served as input for ADAPTUR´s capacity building and training program. The findings were also used to train counterparts, consultants, and project members in better understanding the private sector and to improve their communication skills by using the right words, concepts and messages.


The training program comprised several topics about climate change vulnerability, climate-proof investment, cost-benefit analysis, national/subnational policies related to climate change, EbA solutions, public-private cooperation, financial mechanism, etc.


At the same time, a press campaign was launched in cooperation with local media and journalists. The ADAPTUR website was introduced with regular newsletters, best-practices, case studies and messages from industry leaders. It also contained a resources section with studies, tools and information material.

  • A good understanding of the industry context and the private sector´s challenges, priorities, needs and restrictions.
  • Create attention by linking climate change with business interests.
  • Recognition of private sector work culture and values (fast decision making, time is money, etc.). Offer cooperation and training formats that are suitable for the private sector.
  • Cooperation with industry leaders, known journalists and lead consultants as change agents to position the relevance of adaptation for the sector.
  • Plan some time for understanding your target group and awareness raising before you initiate the first direct contact. Preparing the ground and being well prepared may save you time later.
  • Work together with a professional agency to develop and implement your communication strategy.
  • Identify possible change agents in the private sector that could motivate other businessmen/women to engage in the project.
  • Encourage peer-to-peer dialogue and exchange between private sector actors to build a relationship, increase trust and learn from each other.
  • Offer planning and training formats that are suitable for the private sector context and consider local needs and realities (e.g. business executives normally do not have time to participate in day-long participatory workshops).
  • Recognize realities, limitations, concerns and existing risks for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors especially during pandemics like COVID-19 or other crises.
Eficiencia en resultados de la vigilancia y control con un sistema de manejo de información (Implementación del aplicativo SMART)

En la Reserva Nacional Matsés, la vigilancia y control se orientan a: a) la reducción de prácticas no sostenibles de aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, y b) la reducción de ingresos a zonas y sectores no permitidos según la zonificación del área protegida. Para generar respuestas más rápidas y eficientes ante las amenazas se vienen utilizando el aplicativo SMART que permite hacer más eficiente la colecta y sistematización de datos recogidos durante las actividades de vigilancia y control.

La RNM ha adoptado el programa SMART (traducido al español, herramienta de recojo de información y monitoreo espacial), que permite la sistematización y organización de los datos, particularmente de las amenazas al área protegida. Antes de la adopción de SMART, los datos de los patrullajes tardaban o no llegaban a sistematizarse, quedándose en cuadernos de campo y hojas de datos, por lo que no era aprovechada y utilizada para apoyar la gestión de las ANP en forma oportuna.

La implementación del aplicativo SMART, luego del proceso de capacitación ha tenido una rápida aceptación entre el personal guardaparque y los especialistas de la RNM, debido a que es posible observar casi en tiempo real la información que es recogida en campo y esto permite una comunicación más fluida entre todo el equipo para generar respuestas a las amenazas.

Kelp Forest Foundation - filling the gap in the science around cultivated kelp forest

Giant kelp is drastically understudied given the benefits it can deliver. The promise of cultivated kelp and its ecosystem services need to be quantified and unlocked to speed up the expansion of kelp cultivation at scale. This will help mitigate climate change and create sustainable products which will displace the current more environmentally damaging products.


The Kelp Forest Foundation was set up to help address the gap in science and knowledge around giant kelp forests’ ecosystem services – and to ensure this new knowledge is publicly available to companies, governments, regulators, not-for-profits, academics, and other stakeholders in order to accelerate the awareness and application of cultivated kelp forests as a powerful nature-based solution.

The initial research will be undertaken in and around the Kelp Blue' s cultivated offshore kelp forests in Namibia but later on it will continue in other global locations.

The foundation will be adding to the research done by other organizations such as Oceans 2050 and Bigelow Laboratory. KFF will sponsor MSc's and PhD's from Namiban universities such as UNAM and NUST and is working with international universities such as University of Cambridge, University of Portsmouth, Utrecht university to create carbon pathway models and co-supervise students.

It is important to prioritize the most important questions first and focus resources towards answering them. 

Accessing ocean-based technology to collect the relevant data which is both user-friendly and affordable can be challenging.

Hortimare - an essential partner for Kelp Blue.

Hortimare, a Dutch-based company, is one of the few companies in the world specialising in the genetics, breeding and propagating of seaweed. Hortimare works with Kelp Blue to create starting material, increase yield and research on best growing techiniques of the Macrocystis pyrifera specie.

Holtimare has a state-of- the art lab in The Netherlands as well as a highly trained experienced team which specializes in seaweed breeding and propagating. Hortimare is an external technical consultant that is helping Kelp Blue set up and develop a hatchery in Namibia and to train a local workforce to run it. They also work together with Kelp Blue in sourcing, collecting and cultivation methods. They are also co-creating a giant kelp seedbank for future use.

The breeding of kelp seedlings is an essential first step in the cultivation of seaweed. There is no public Macrocystis seed bank so Kelp Blue has had to work with partners around the world to sustainably collect spores from wild kelp beds and transport them back to The Netherlands where Hortimare then optimizes Kelp Blue's hatchery system and seeding technique to get to predictable and consistent yield. They share all the information that is needed to make the farm successful. This as a win-win for both parties. Hortimare gets more and more reliable data and knowledge to be able to develop a certain standard and Kelp Blue can translate their findings to predictability of operation.

Sustainably sourcing material, a breeding programme and a property set up hatchery are the cornerstone of any seweed farmer's project.