Planning as a basic tool for organisation and adaptation

Parallel to the implementation of the school, the organisation's strategic planning process was carried out by incorporating the EbA approach, which included aspects related to climate change and the use of ecosystems. In both organisations, strategic and prospective visions were built, which took into account the scenarios that global warming will generate on the coast. 

It was essential to connect three concepts: ecosystem, women's fabric and markets. This connection is a multidimensional interrelationship that articulates the care of nature (wetland), the safeguarding of culture (women's weaving) and the use of economic opportunities (markets). This interrelationship would not be possible without the protection of the environment through good wetland behaviour. This means, good wetland management practices, based on the project's capacity building.

Improved adaptation through capacity building, can turn climate change into an opportunity and open up a wider range of new alternatives for women. In order to achieve this understanding, it was important to produce didactic support materials and use panels in the training centers of both groups. This also included trips to the wetland to identify the key services that make the reed crafts possible. Adaptation to climate change is a dynamic process that involves a lot of memory, understanding and action. 

Strengthening self-esteem

Strengthening women's self-esteem was used as a strategy to reach an understanding in the importance of climate change adaptation from the sustainable use of wetland ecosystem services. For that reason, it was necessary to keep the process of stregthening self-esteem in progress.


A strong self-esteem enables the development of self-confidence. Once self-confidence has been obtained, the process of trust building in others, continues. This is the basis for partnerships in the context of climate change. The strategy of promoting associativity and organisational strengthening took place at three levels: a) training, b) marketing, and c) adaptation.

Important conditions for the success of the strategy were: 

  • Deepening trust-building towards each other
  • Working on building trust towards institutions
  • Fostering associativity among communities
  • Strengthen capacities for the sustainable use of ecosystem services, and thereby achieve ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. 

One lesson learned is that, difficulties in accessing services, that enable better living conditions, limit participation, associativity and the understanding of climate change as a threat and opportunity. In other words, the greater the poverty, the greater the difficulty in understanding climate change. For this reason, permanent face-to-face work was required. The strategy employed was: living with coastal communities of artisan women, strengthening their self-esteem through various workshops in the school.

Strengthening self-esteem
Planning as a basic tool for organisation and adaptation
Ejecutor del Contrato de Administración de la Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri - ECA Amarakaeri, 2021
Aplicación de estrategias de resiliencia en Madidi

El Madidi entiende que el turismo, es una actividad sustentable y que genera beneficios sociales, económicos y naturales al contexto área protegida. Por ello, es de suma importancia aplicar procesos de planificación para retomar estas actividades. Después de la pandemia del COVID – 19 muchas de las actividades en el sector turístico fueron impactadas y esto provocó una ralentización de las acciones de turismo.

  • El nivel de organización se mantiene y cumple con las metas además de establecer prioridades para continuar impulsando el turismo en la zona. Estas actividades mantienen una alta participación de la población local.
  • El gobierno promueve una reorganización de las actividades de turismo promoviendo la participación de otros sectores productivos.
  • Disminuye la alta rotación de personal que genera vacíos y genera incertidumbre en la gestión.
  • La pandemia fue un problema fortuito que genero diversos impactos a diferentes escalas en la zona. Si bien el Madidi, está dispuesto y tiene la capacidad de lidiar con problemas complejos, esta situación extraordinaria nos enseñó a tener un Plan B como medida de recuperación, lo cual requiere de grandes esfuerzos y de capacidad de reagrupación, además estas acciones están planteadas desde un modelo adaptativo de gestión territorial que permite manejar aspectos sensibles, pero también complejos.