Implementation of Urban EbA Measures in Dong Hoi City

At the stakeholder consultation workshop, three urban EbA measures were identified and selected to pilot in Dong Hoi city, including: 

1) The water retention measure aims to address flood risk through water retention and delayed runoff during flooding, and heat stress reduction in the core urban zone of Dong Hoi City. It integrates urban flood risk management, relieves pressure on Cau Rao River as the main floodway protecting the city, improves existing ecosystem health, and increases blue-green space for the city. The measure is designed with multiple urban EbA components, including (1) a water retention area for flood reduction, (2) permeable surfaces (e.g. grass, vegetation and pavement) for storing water runoff, (3) swales along the existing road to reduce runoff and infiltration of pollutants, (4) additional trees to provide shading and regulate microclimate, (5) a protected area for habitat and to enable scientific investigation.

2) The green wall and green roof measure aims to conserve green spaces in the municipality in the face of increasing pressure to develop the natural lands due to rapid urbanisation, contribute to the reduction of surface temperature and heat stress during hot summer months and flood risk mitigation, green-blue components (e.g. trees, vegetation layers...). The measure is designed with facade greening on exterior walls and a rooftop garden replaced the traditional corrugated iron-roof of the building adjacent to a rainwater harvesting system. 

3) The Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) aims to enhance the drainage system through applying a nature-based approach in the construction and operation of the system to improve the flood management in the urban area. It helps to address the problem of local hotspot flooded areas during heavy rainfalls or typhoons in Dong Hoi city. The measure is designed and implemented with following components: 

  • Two underground storage tanks with storage capacity of 150 m3 with soak-away structure
  • Eight inlets to collect rainwater on the road surface around the site
  • Perforated uPVC collection pipes that are connected to the existing drainage system with a one-way backflow preventer
  • Sidewalk paving slabs replaced by permeable structure
  • Green trees to increase water permeability on land surface

The results showcase the effectiveness and possibilities of green interventions in helping the city to cope with increasing temperatures, flood management and energy efficiency while reducing GHG emissions. On top of that, lessons learnt and practical experiences in terms of technical knowledge, methodology and approach were shared, expanded and integrated into provincial technical standards, urban planning and relevant binding documents. 

In fact, in order to finalise the urban EbA measures at site after the selection process, there were different steps required according to Viet Nam's legal frameworks and project's procedures: 

  • Site assessment: Planning an urban EbA measure required a thorough site assessment of the local climatic and geographical conditions to inform the optimum design and installation requirements. A comprehensive site assessment examined climate, hydrology, soil and water conditions on meso- and micro-level and takes into account the existing built environment.
  • Planning: At this step, it was important to set an upfront goal of each urban EbA measure as this will influence the design, construction and level of maintenance required for the system. The scale, relationship to other facilities, benefits and impacts to communities and region, problems to be addressed were defined and elaborated. In addition, stakeholder engagement needed to be considered to define relevant involved parties and their roles, specialists, technical designers and service providers. All relevant procedures and regulations were figured out as well.
  • Design phase: The crucial step of this phase was to develop a technical design document for the measure. Based on the set goals, site assessment results and requirements, the designers and technical experts prepared the technical drawings and the design report. Aspects related to size, functional components, technology, materials, timeline and cost estimation needed to be included. Consultation process to present the technical design was conducted for comments and feedback from different stakeholders before submitting all files for approval by local authorities. Upon the approval of the technical design document, the process to obtain the construction permit needed to be carried out according to government regulations. 
  • Implementation: The construction implementer and construction supervision consultants were selected through a bidding process. An implementation plan was worked out and agreed by all relevant stakeholders before construction on the site. Local authorities and project partners took the roles of overall management, monitoring the work progress. Monthly meetings were conducted to update the progress and deal with arising issues during the implementation. The relevant government regulations and standard requirements needed to be complied fully and strictly at this phase. At the end of this phase, the implementation guidelines, lesson learnt and leaflets to promote the results were developed and shared in public for awareness raising and upscaling in the region.
  • Maintenance: Upon the completion of the implementation phase, the urban EbA measures were handed over to provincial partners. A consultation process was conducted to agree upon the roles and responsibilities on management, operation and maintenance of the work by parties who took over. Planning and budget allocation was prepared and committed to on the partner side. 
  • Close cooperation, support of local governments and stakeholders in the implementation of urban EbA measures and their commitment in combating global climate change and promoting sustainable development
  • Good understanding on benefits of EbA approach to enhance ecological services, biodiversity, noise cancellation, radiation scattering, aesthetics, greening the environment, education, communication and willingness to pilot implementation of local stakeholders
  • High commitment, engagement and contribution from the private sectors to invest in adaptation measures, enabling the great success of the project 
  • Integration of EbA approach into urban planning  processes as well as relevant policies, ensuring the sustainability of the interventions
  • Capacity building and awareness raising of provincial stakeholders on the importance and benefits of urban EbA approach to improve ecological services, biodiversity and climate change adaptation
  • Lack of technical standards and regulations necessary to implement the urban EbA measures
  • Various unforeseen requirements and procedures by local government during the implementation and handing over
  • Lack of a comprehensive database of technologies, products, and local manufacturers
  • Local authorities needed more time to revise current technical standards as the approaches were quite new.
  • Tangible benefits of urban EbA measures could only be seen after a relatively long period of time. However, local leaders needed to prove the results in their planning and report cycle. Therefore, public investment for EbA measures in provincial planning is still limited.
Scoping Mission and Preliminary Study to Identify and Select Potential Urban EbA Measures in Dong Hoi City

In order to identify the most feasable urban EbA measures with the highest potential to pilot in Dong Hoi city, the first step was to carry out a scoping mission and a preliminary study to collect and analyse data to provide a scientific basis for the consultation process. The objective was to provide a detailed review and analysis of previous studies and information gathered through structured stakeholder engagement via interviews, focus group discussions and stakeholder consultations for a participatory selection of pilot measures with relevant partners. 

The scoping mission and the preliminary study were conducted to provide further insight into the specific vulnerabilities and the possible adaptation responses for Dong Hoi city. The findings were used to identify a short list of urban EbA measures as well as any outstanding knowledge gaps and/or information needs for the next steps. 

A multi-stakeholder engagement event was held to promote an open dialogue between stakeholders to discuss key issues related to climate impacts and local vulnerabilities. This knowledge exchange among key stakeholders strengthened relationships among key partners, enhanced partners’ understanding of urban EbA measures as well as generated knowledge to fill information and data gaps identified in the preliminary study.

Selection Process
Analysis: The identification, development and assessment of the selected urban EbA measures was based on a functionalistic approach in which the cause and effect of the main hazards compiled during the preliminary assessment and the scoping mission provided the basis for the revision of final measures. These measures, based on the causes of the key problems and their linkages to current and future climate hazards, were meant to take into account short-term and long-term considerations as much as possible.

Selection: The selection criteria were based on the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) Assessment Framework for EbA Quality Standards. It was used in a participatory selection exercise during the second multi-stakeholder event and during consultation with key partners. The use of the framework provided a scientific and transparent selection process, based on an internationally endorsed tool.

The final measures, based on this selection process, was defined as: 1) Cau Rao EbA River Park (water retention areas), 2) Rain Gardens (green wall and green roof) and 3) Water Flow Management (SUDS).

  • Good cooperation, engagement and a learning attitude from local authorities and stakeholders for the topics and their willingness to change, making the urban EbA selection exercise more interesting and practical
  • Deep understanding of challenges, needs and expectations of key stakeholders towards climate change adaptation measures for their sector development and provision of useful advice 
  • Exchange and dialogue between relevant stakeholders and involvement in shared discussions on their roles, mandates and cooperation in their daily work to enhance sector resilience 
  • Leading role of key stakeholders in selection and decision processes
  • Awareness raising of provincial partners about climate change adaptation and urban EbA through their integration in the process of data collection, focused group discussions, stakeholder consultations and the selection process 
  • Early involvement of key partners and the private sector into participatory processes to enhance their ownership of the process and the selected urban EbA measures
  • Facilitation of communication and cooperation between different government entities and the private sector in the processes to ensure a successful implementation in the next phase
Maintenance of agricultural environment and conservation of cranes

Local communities are actively contributing to habitat conservation through initiatives like preserving rice straws and providing water to rice paddies in winter, facilitated by Payment of Ecosystem Service (PES) contracts. Engaging in 'ecotourism programs, including crane birdwatching activities, and hosting 'Crane Seminars,' they create added value for their efforts. Furthermore, farmers in the Cheorwon area have taken an innovative approach by producing 'Cheorwon Odae Rice' and promoting their product brand using the image of the crane.


'The Cheorwon Crane Land,' serving as a conservation asset under the stewardship of the National Nature Trust is situated in Yangji-ri, which boasts a fertile plain and is adjacent to Togyo Reservoir and the Hantangang River, resulting in abundant water resources. This geographical advantage makes it a haven for various migratory birds that flock to the area every winter, typically from mid-October to March. Embracing its rich ecological setting, Yangji-ri has actively pursued becoming a full-fledged eco-village. This commitment has earned notable recognitions, including being selected as an eco-friendly excellent village in 2000, becoming a project operator of the New Rural Construction.

  • Habitat conservation: Preserving the agricultural environment in a way that supports wildlife, especially migratory birds like cranes
  • Community engagement: Encouraging local residents to participate actively in conservation efforts requires overcoming inertia
  • Sustainable ecotourism development: Developing ecotourism, such as birdwatching activities and educational seminars
  • Economic sustainability: Finding viable economic models, such as the PES contracts, that incentivize conservation while also supporting the local economy is a complex task.

The efforts in Cheorwon illustrate the importance of integrating conservation activities with local economic development. By aligning the interests of wildlife conservation with those of local farmers and the wider community, a more sustainable and mutually beneficial outcome is achieved.

Initiatives like preserving rice straws and providing water to paddies, supported by PES contracts, demonstrate how community involvement can lead to significant ecological benefits.

The geographical advantages of Yangji-ri, with its fertile plains and abundant water resources, underscore the potential of leveraging local natural resources for conservation purposes. These resources provide a foundation for the area's success in attracting migratory birds and supporting biodiversity.

The series of awards received by Yangji-ri serve as powerful motivators for continued ecological and conservation efforts. These accolades not only provide validation for the work done but also inspire further commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

Cheorwon Rice Paddy, the largest wintering site for cranes

Cheorwon, situated in the vicinity of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), stands as a crucial wintering ground for cranes, an endangered species. Due to restricted development and civilian access since the Armistice Agreement in 1953, the area has become vital for the survival of these birds. The Cheorwon Plain, with its expansive farmlands and reservoirs, along with the wetlands of the DMZ, serves as essential feeding and resting grounds for crane species.


A positive trend has been observed in crane populations, with 372 red-crowned cranes and 474 white-napped cranes in the Cheorwon Plain in January 1999 (Kim Sang-won, et al. 2020). This upward trajectory has continued, reaching 833 red-crowned cranes and 2,766 white-napped cranes in January 2017. The commitment of local farmers, particularly since 2004, in preserving rice straws and providing water to rice paddies under the Biodiversity Management Agreement Project has played a significant role in this success.


This trust initiative aligns with the Global Trust's mission to safeguard private land in the DMZ (South) and the Civilian Control Zone, preserving it as public property and a 'common heritage of mankind' in the face of development pressures.

  • Integrated partnerships: Collaboration among local farmers, local communities, groups, government, and private sector
  • Legal support: The National Trust Act and related policies provide a legal basis for habitat management and conservation funding
  • Community engagement and involvement: Engaging locals through economic incentives like ecotourism and sustainable farming practices
  • Private sector engagement: private sector support and public campaigns
  • Adaptive management: research and habitat monitoring inform conservation strategies,

The Cheorwon case study offers several valuable lessons for conservation and sustainable community-based conservation:

  • Collaborative efforts enhance conservation: the synergy between local communities, conservation organizations, and corporate sponsors maximizes the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
  • Economic incentives promote conservation: integrating conservation with economic benefits, such as ecotourism and product branding, motivates community participation and support.
  • Legal frameworks support initiatives: a strong legal foundation, like the National Trust Act, is crucial for facilitating and securing conservation efforts and funding.
  • Adaptive management ensures sustainability: continuous monitoring and adapting conservation strategies based on ecological and social feedback ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Broad stakeholder engagement is key: involving a wide range of stakeholders, from local communities to international corporations, creates a comprehensive support network for conservation efforts.
Siska Sihombing
Cheorwon Rice Paddy, the largest wintering site for cranes
Maintenance of agricultural environment and conservation of cranes
Crane-based eco-tourism
The National Nature Trust (NNT) and conservation assets
Siska Sihombing
Cheorwon Rice Paddy, the largest wintering site for cranes
Maintenance of agricultural environment and conservation of cranes
Crane-based eco-tourism
The National Nature Trust (NNT) and conservation assets
Siska Sihombing
Cheorwon Rice Paddy, the largest wintering site for cranes
Maintenance of agricultural environment and conservation of cranes
Crane-based eco-tourism
The National Nature Trust (NNT) and conservation assets
Sustainable Alternative Revenue from APL Forests

Recognizing the ongoing threat of APL forest conversion by the palm oil sector, Kalfor identified the need to develop sustainable alternatives for revenue generation, employment, and livelihoods. Despite conservation efforts, only 56% (197.152 ha) of APL forests in four pilot districts have enhanced legal protection, leaving the majority at conversion risk. The project emphasizes finding sustainable uses for these forests that offer economic incentives for conservation. 

Exploring non-timber forest products (NTFPs) emerged as a promising strategy. Studies conducted in districts like Sintang revealed the profitability of NTFPs, with potential for cooperative management. Training sessions for government and university staff aim to integrate the economic valuation of APL forests into land-use planning. Additionally, Kalfor is exploring support for larger-scale NTFP enterprises, utilizing existing research and collaborations with MOEF, research institutions, and successful NTFP companies.

The challenge of providing economic alternatives to palm oil production highlights the complexity of balancing conservation with local economic needs. While small-scale community schemes offer benefits, they may not suffice for broader economic growth needs. Understanding the potential of NTFPs and the barriers to their development is critical. Effective incentive structures for NTFP enterprises and integrating their benefits into regional planning are key steps. Kalfor's experience underscores the importance of aligning sustainable forest use with economic incentives to ensure APL forest conservation.