Forest inventory at subnational level

The inventory of natural forests and plantations was based on the participatory mapping. It covered the following steps:


1. Training of forest inventory teams

2. Definition of forest types and layers (stratification): analysis and interpretation of RapidEye 2013-2014 satellite images (resolution of 5 m x 5 m)

3. Implementation of pre-inventory: Assessment of results from national forest inventory, preparation of field work, determination of variation coefficient and statistical method, measurement of 20 circular plots. Inventory of main forest stand with a 20 m radius for samples ≥ 10 cm in diameter and ≥ 1.30 m height; inventory of forest undergrowth in circular plots with 4 m radius on trees and shrubs samples with a diameter between 5 and 10 cm open and a height ≥ 1.30 m

4. Implementation of inventory: preparation of field work, measurement of 173 circular plots with same sample plot features as during pre-inventory and with the support of local cartographers.  

5. Data processing at regional management level with support from the inventory database management unit

6. Zonation and identification of forest landscape restoration options

  • Experience of technical staff of MERF in carrying out the first national forest inventory of Togo
  • Existence of forest and cartographic data management units within MERF
  • Using results of the first national forest inventory at the regional level
  • Availability of RapidEye satellite images (2013-2014)
  • Evaluation of restoration potential of forest landscapes study in Togo (2016)
  • Guidance and knowledge of local cartographers about the local resources during the forest inventory
  • A thorough identification and mapping of actors in the beginning of the inventory was crucial to form a solid coordination structure
  • It was crucial to keep the interest and support of local communities in the inventory process, based on regular communication and awareness raising
  • The local forestry administration implemented the inventory at community level in a very remarkable way; the participatory process put foresters in a new role of highly appreciated community advisers and companions for forest management. The administration - once perceived as a repressive force and authoritarian manager of resources – was accepted by the community as a partner
  • The inventory, including the identification of 70 tree species in total (incl. 24 families & 65 genera) in the four zones, increased the awareness about existing biodiversity and their potential in the context of forest landscape restoration and climate change adaptation
Going the extra mile

Once the creative process has started, ideas have turned into plans, and there are high expectations about what can be achieved, the Association faced the dilemma of fast profiting, by catching all product available (altought at lower price per unit), or long term profiting, establishing a catch-limit in order to ensure the availability of high quality product (better valued, and allowing black shell population to meet its life cycle).
Since the second alternative seemed more rational for members, the had to design the tool to manage the catch limit. The solution was to set the catch-size 2 millimeters above the legal limit to catch, and to adopt some several regulations into their rules of procedure. That is, to pass from some crazy ideas to a disciplinated implementation with strong sanctions ( monetary and suspension of the fishing rights of the members) aprooved by the total of the members.

Strong comunity and associative principles allowed to adopt mature decisions, even those perceived as too restrictive.


The certainty that in order to achieve a better future, changes in their way of living must be done.

To be confident into their propositions, and to not be afraid of the uncertainty of their decissions.

Disciplined implementation is a key factor.

Rotate the responsibility of administrative management allows most of them to understand the importance of control role and to respect eachother, reducing unrest potential.

Creative participation

Despite self-clousures are well known measures in order to preserve a biological resource, it has never been applied by the Association or the black shell resource in the area. Creative sessions have allowed members to propose ideas (self-clousures) to the plenary, and the creative participation on analyzing and discussing its benefits and consequences have helped to develop complementary measures (like zonification and a fattening area), obtaining a more robust and fruitful plan.

Trust environment for working sessions allow to talk in an open and confident way, and allow creativity outcrops.

Do not throw away ideas. Allow the discussion of all of them, enabling open participation.

Cooperative networking

Association Las Huacas has developed a Cooperative networking with different allies from private and public sectors. Partnership agreement with GEOGES C.Ltda. (environmental consultancy agency), wich has been interested into cooperate with ancient populations in order to preserve the culture and traditions, as well as to recover the optimal conditions for mangrove development and conservation.
The agreement brings to the association the technical capabilities of the Agency, in order to get the assistance to design- implement- and follow up of the management plan. The agreement has also served as a framework for cooperation at different levels – community, asociation – in order to enforce the organizational aspects of both institutions, as well as to propose and to develop alternative initiatives of production or self-employment, and the critical analysis of thrird parties cooperation initiatives.

To find the right partner, relative objectives and vision (apply to bothsides).

Total commitment to cooperation, with full involvement of the members into the planned activities.

Long-term follow-up, in order to create and to register data that will allow future decission making.




Active participation in identifiying issues and planning process will allow better understanding of the issues and more realistic paths to deal with it.

Try and failure process is also necessary in order to understand different dynamics working at the time, and to develop successful next steps.

Importance of conservation

Scientists, who have been monitoring the area before it was closed, estimate a 500% increase in biomass within the area since the closure. The area, previously covered with sea urchins, is now a thriving biodiversity hotspot with the balance restored. The elders report new species in the MPA that have not been seen in living memory. The coral, previously destroyed by human feet, has recovered quickly and the lagoon area is now known as one of the best snorkelling destinations on the Kenyan coast. Local and international students come and learn in our living marine classroom. Turtles feed on the seagrass beds undisturbed, and the number of nests has increased significantly. The area has returned from being a marine desert to a marine paradise and a critical model globally that shows how a poor community can help conserve nature and benefit from it too. Bigger and better catches outside the MPA has ensured support for the permanent closure.


The MPA could not have gone a head without the belief and forsight of the fisherfolk in the area and the acceptance to beleive that positive change was possible even in difficult circumstances. Local knowledge from the elders ensured a suitable site for the closure was chosen. Scientific research also supported the choice as having the most potential for long term improvement. Regular updates on improvements within the MPA has helped sure up the belief that it is successful as a breeding area.

That nature is resilient and can recover amazingly quickly if left alone to do so. Identifying needs and fostering willingness to embrace change can improve livelihoods. The importance of undertaking an environmental impact assessment on the area, underpinned by research and local knowledge, before the project started has been a critical factor towards the success of the MPA. Constant awareness and updates of the improvement in the MPA need to be communicated back to the community. Analysing the information can be used to put into perspective in the socio-economic impact. The importance of communication of our progress back to the community has been something we have had to improve. When the community understands and sees the benefits from change they are, understandably, more willing to accept it.

Technical support from different sectors and infrastructure support from LGU

To empower the people's organisations, government, NGOs and private entities shard their expertise and provided them technical support. The LGU, government agencies and NGOs trained them to be able to manage their own organisations, practice community based management, and the technical skills on how to manage tourism activities.  SIKAT, an NGO with significant years of experience in community-based coastal resource management program implementation also provided them with training on basic ecology and training and technical support in Marine Protected Area Management.

  • Partnership and good working relationship of LGU with other government agencies, non-government organizations and private entities
  • The ability of the LGU to network also helped them gain support from other government agencies, who provided them with trainings on the different aspects of tourism, and helped build their capacities to manage their organizations.
  • An NGO provided them training on ecology and Marine Protected Area Management to capacitate them in their environment management role
  • Participatory process in the identification of trainings.
  • Capacity building on organizational skills and on environment conservation is as important as the technical trainings on tourism management.
Marine protected area (MPA)

Community recognition that action was needed to improve dwindling fish stocks was followed by the identification of various stakeholders to help us achieve our goals. Communication, outreach and awareness building programmes were set up and a visit to a similar project in Tanzania went ahead in 2004, and encouraged the community to use local marine resources sustainably.


A democratic decision to close an agreed lagoon area was agreed. Legal and policy frameworks were put in place, and the first LMMA in Kenya was approved in 2006 under the National Environmental Management Authority. Following this, a collaborative governance model has emerged under Beach Management Units (BMU's), where fishers and government work together towards sustainable fishing and improved livelihoods. In setting up the MPA, we went through various phases; conceptualisation; inception; implementation; monitoring; management and ongoing adaptive management.



The realisation by the community that there was a significant crisis looming and a determination to act for the sake of future generations was a crucial factor in the implementation process. Trust and belief in a positive outcome was paramount. Initial funding for alternative enterprises and support from key partners was necessary for technical and advisory capacities. An area was chosen that had good recovery potential with help from a scientist that had previously been monitoring that part of the coast coupled with local knowledge.

From the outset a clear strategy and management plan devised with maximum participation from community members is critical. Listening to the elders within the community creates an essential link between past and present. Targets and goals need to be achievable and clear timelines need to be set and adhered to keep the support of the community. The entire community needs to benefit from the project, and livelihoods need to improve tangibly in order to maintain support and create a sense of ownership that gives the project longevity. A community welfare aspect should be part of the strategy. Awareness, education and sharing of information need to be maintained, and a willingness to an adaptive management approach is vital. Learning from mistakes, sharing knowledge and creating close alliances with other similar organisations helps the project progress quickly. Creating collaborative partnerships and following clear procedures and legislative guidelines strengthen the structure of any entity. Good governance from the outset with a clear constitution that is followed at all times. 

Crowd Funding Campaign Using Platform

Sumatran Tiger Project, Forum HarimauKita and UNDP Indonesia started the campaign in conjunction of Global Tiger Day to bring awareness about Sapu Jerat campaign to local and national audiences. 


Sapu Jerat Crowd Funding to Protect Sumatran Tigers used local crowdfunding platform, that has enabled us to reach wider supporters (communities, philantropies, artists, influencers) by campaigning in social media. generates funding online to support campaigns set up by organizations, individuals and communities. Sapu Jerat Crowd Funding to Protect Sumatran Tigers has given an examples for others to set up new campaign in supporting wildlife and biodiversity conservations.  


The Sapu Jerat campaign was also promoted using Sumatran Tiger, FHK and UNDP Indonesia social media channels and project's communication networks in four national parks. The networks consist of local journalists who - in coordination with Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in each landscape - continue to report Sumatran Tiger Project's initiatives, .   

First, modern communication infrastructures have enabled people in cities and regions to access the campaign. Second, building communication networks that target relevant stakeholders has enabled the campaign to get support and funding needed. By combining modern technology and targetted network, Sapu Jerat crowd funding campaign at has been successfully completed and the money will be used to clear tiger traps in national park areas. 

1. As part of Sumatran Tiger's communication strategy, the campaign should be strategically connected to communication network to increase the outreach and widens its impacts.

2. This communication network should be encouraged to be involved in the campaign. Different landscape uses different communication network and communication method, thus they should be generated accordingly

3. Coordination is the key to reach the target of the campaign in timely manner. Endorsements or supports from relevant stakeholders can be amplified by the communication network.  

4. Modern communication infrastructures by has enabled the campaign reaching targetted audiences.

Community exchange visits

Exchange visits were organized to places where the initiative has been active for some time and the implementation is on-going. For example, in order to acquire drought tolerant crops for local production, Ecofinder Kenya visited the Tangokona community in Busia County, Kenya where improved cassava and sweet potato varieties have been promoted and grown by local communities. The model was studied by Yala wetland communities, seeds purchased and farmers are now growing drought tolerant cassava and sweet potatoes.

  • Pay actual visit to model sites or farmers.
  • Availability of resources including transportation, learning facilitation at the place of visit.
  • Willingness to learn and practice the new skills among the interested stakeholders.
  • Local production of recommended drought resilient crop varieties can be achieved by learning and sharing of skills and ideas.
  • Farmers can embrace and practice what they see and can confirm to have worked in similar places.
  • The success of implementation of improved crop production and testing of new crop varieties may be dependent on prevaining weather conditions mainly rainfall amounts especially for rain-fed agriculture.


Stakeholders involvement and participation

This involves participation of all stakeholders at the local level in order to come up with locally viable solutions that all participants are comfortable with and that contribute to sustainable livelihoods and long term conservation of local biodiversity. We achieved this building block by involving stakeholders at different levels, i.e. at the meso or County level and micro or local community level. First, we engaged representatives of the Siaya County government departments  (such as Agriculture, Lands, Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources) and Civil society representatives working at the local and regional levels. A workshop was organised upon which the government and non-government actors discussed the challenges facing agriculture and biodiversity in relation to climate chage in the County and amicable and potential solutions sought from the participants. Secondly, local level meetings were held with community members and local leaders and resource persons including elders, retired government staff, health workers and conservation enthusiasts. The challenges facing agriculture and local biodiversity were sought and potential solutions reached. These were then analysed to come up with overal challenges and solutions from the stakeholders perspective.

  • Analysis and involvement of critical stakeholders to make sure that all people with interest are involved. This should include (1) government departments at the County or District levels, (2) Non-state actors including Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community-based Organisations (CBOs) and Faith-based Organisations (FBOs) among others, and local communities
  • Recognition of the roles played by various stakeholders.
  • Recognition of potential benefits and benefit sharing from the proceeds of conservation.


  • Stakeholder involvement at both meso or County/District level and micro/community level ensures potential for inclusion and use of results in local policy change
  • Forums bringing government and non-state actors contribute to harmonisation of conflicting views and ideas and ensure potential for harmony in implementation of various strategies. However, we experienced many opposing views during strategy discussions pitting the government officers and the civil society.
  • Potential for benefit sharing and incentives are critical for conservation of biodiversity at the local scale.
  • Local communities are willing to participate in biodiversity conservation initiatives when alternative livelihoods can be provided.