Participatory research in cooperation with scientific institutions

Participatory research is essential when historical records lack and new concepts are introduced. The research in Yakou included three phases. The first phase aimed to understand the site and its significance. As a typical village with a well-preserved landscape of “forest-village-terrace-water system”, Yakou was selected to represent the landscape pattern of Laohuzui Area. Fieldwork was conducted both by the nomination team (Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage) and the scientific research team (Yunnan University). The second phase focused on the restoration of Yakou’s irrigation system. Semi-structured interviews to locals, fieldwork and restoration were conducted. According to research results, the traditional water management system and related knowledge emerged as key elements in Yakou. Ditches, canals and water-woods were repaired to ensure its long-term use, and traditional ceremonies and inspection system were established by the elders. The third phase focused on the enhancement of the water management, where researchers conducted spatial research of the settlement patch distribution pattern and hydrological analysis using Geographic Information System followed by the replication of the experience in other villages.

  • Local research institutions are familiar with local conditions. Research requires the active involvement of local people and community to share knowledge and experience, especially oral history and unrecognized knowledge that is significant and need to connect to international and national societies. 
  • Combination of international perspective and local experience. 
  • Cooperation between public service institutions and domestic research institutes. 
  • Collaboration between “research institutes + public service organizations + villager organization.”
  • The relationship between land-use, society and culture are crucial in landscape studies. Environmental challenges might be the manifestation of social changes and new regulations (e.g. Land and water disputes could be the underlying issue).
  • In the WH framework, the Outstanding Universal Value can be broad and general, but detailed features can not be neglected because these are the clue to understand the site characteristics. In Yakou, different layers of values research contribute to heritage management before and after inscription as WH. It has improved the knowledge of site managers, locals and researchers, and it is a continuing process.
  • Lack of historical records and documentation is a big problem for the preservation of the traditional water culture. Too much attention has been give to the landscape views yet not sufficient attention to  the nature-human interactions which produced these. 
  • Separate plans can not solve long-term management: Water management, conservation management and master plans should be drawn up in coordination and integrated for implementation.
Using the elaboration of the World Heritage management plan as a space for dialogue

The process for the elaboration of the new management plan for the World Heritage property started in 2017, and several groups have been working on it for three years (2017-2020). The World Heritage Management Board is leading the process, with the collaboration of the cultural heritage manager in Røros, the representative of Sámi Indigenous people, urban planners from the different municipalities and counties within the World Heritage property and buffer zone, and the Director of the Museum of Røros. Hearings and meetings with the municipality boards in the 5 municipalities have been used for establishing this dialogue. More than 40 different parties were invited to the hearings including the counties, municipalities, museums, NGOs, persons involved in the Management Plans, private owners of land within the World Heritage property, and the Sámi Parliament. The Sámi were involved in the same way as the other stakeholders, and counting with representatives both in the World Heritage Board and in the administrative group.

  • The government requested to all Norwegian World Heritage sites to develop new management plans.
  • The World Heritage Coordinator was in charge of drafting the former management plan (2010) and had the will and mission to develop a new management plan for Røros.

1) During the hearing of the new Management Plan, many of the parties mentioned that the Sámi culture should be strengthen more than it already was. Most of the suggestions of the different parties were to focus more on reinforcing the Sámi relations and values.

2) Reinforcing the idea to include the Sámi culture as part of the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage site in the next years. Yet, the State Party needs to lead the process. Some municipalities want that some areas currently in the buffer zone (part of the Circumference) be integrated in the World Heritage property (Narjodet, agricultural area, and Dragås-Eidet, which is one of the melters outside Røros).

3) In order to work equally with different parties, there has been no special treatment for none of the stakeholders.

4) To integrate the different stakeholders feedback into the management plan, hearings were organized to consult about the arrangements for drafting the plan and later to consult on the plan itself. 

Training high-school teachers on traditional knowledge and local culture

In order to integrate Ifugao culture in the formal school curriculum, teachers need to receive capacity building on the Ifugao culture. Teachers, most of Ifugao origin, have forgotten the value-system of their ancestors due to the modern education system. Some have been trained outside of the Ifugao region. The objective is to train teachers in integrating culture in mathematics, social sciences, and all courses, and design learning materials, modules which include the Ifugao culture as a cross-cutting theme. Teachers’ trainings on local curriculum development and coming up with learning modules are on-going.

The national government had undertaken a change in the education system to allow locally-based curriculums (IPED).

Ifugao culture does not need to be taught as a separate theme, but can be a cross-cutting theme for the whole curriculum.

Creation of collaborative research projects on Indigenous and Local Knowledge

SITMo has developed partnership with local scientific institutions like the Ifugao State University, which is working with the FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) designation and has established the Ifugao Rice Terraces GIAHS Research and Development Center. Furthermore, connected to this initiative, SITMo is working in cooperation with the Ifugao State University and the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Chengchi University of Taiwan in the project “Center for Taiwan-Philippines Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge and Sustainable Development”, where partner institutions are exploring together the sustainable safeguarding and transmission of their Indigenous knowledge through exchange and collaborative research, which would enable local communities to develop sustainably. A long-term partnership with the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has been established in 2012 to undertake archaeological investigations in the terraces, leading to the establishment of community heritage galleries and publication of scientific articles.

  • GIAHS designation of the Rice Terraces (2004)
  • The local Ifugao State University is engaged in research and cooperation focused on the rice terraces, agroforestry and biodiversity conservation
  • The Department of Education embarked on a major overhaul of the curriculum where Indigenous knowledge and local Ifugao culture is to be integrated in all levels of K to 12. Research on traditional knowledge was required. 
  • Common challenges with neighboring countries and other Indigenous communities
  • Involving research in the conservation of the Rice Terraces and the engagement of the youth and the community at large in the endeavor are mutually beneficial (for the research institutes and the local communities)
  • The interface of traditional knowledge learning through community elders and the formal schools through formally trained teachers can be conflicting at times so long-term strategies are to be put in place.
  • Administrative bureaucracy can be difficult for non-government organizations to work with government agencies and universities but patience is the key to success.
Leadership Training

It is essential that the group has a leader who organizes and inspires young people to join the puppet program. The success of each activity depends on the leader being able to motivate his or her team, constantly innovate and seek growth opportunities for all.

1. Parental support. Some of these children are minors and without parental support it is difficult to form a group.

2. Support should be provided by organizations that are willing to support the leaders of each theatre group. The young people of Yaxcabá have previously participated in personal training programs offered by organizations working in the area.

Age is not an impediment, and in the case of rural communities, children are forced to grow and mature much faster than in cities.

Volunteer Work

Projects in this area offer young people the opportunity to contribute to nature conservation by getting involved in the following tasks:

  1. Reforestation
  2. Conservation of flora and fauna
  3. Data collection
  4. Tasks involving nature reserve maintenance
  5. Bio-construction projects
  6. Environmental Education and Communication
  1. Young people in Paraguay are increasingly interested in conserving natural areas.
  2. The #VolunteerParkRanger program offers a complete program for the development of the activities.
  3. Partnership and communication with Natural National Parks of Colombia to provide information on the development of activities.

The first version of the #VolunteerParkRanger program generated significant interest that exceeded the ability of the program to manage itself adequately. 


Bearing in mind the lessons learned during the first version, a limit was set for the numbers required and this was based on the following potential participation scenarios: 

  • 50 - 100
  • 100 - 150 
  • 200 and more

This made the work more vibrant so that all interested young people were provided a work space and program.

Monitoring nature mixing people and cultures.

One of the most important recipe for the success of the deer census is that each couple of operators has to be composed of people from different categories: beginners with experts, hunters with animal activists, rangers with students, people from different regions, etc. 

Every night the couples composition is different, so all the participants have the opportunity to meet different people and different areas of the National Park. 

Also the social and scientific events are organized to emphasize the occasions of experience exchange between all different kinds of participants. 


The entire organization is focused on mixing participants of different categories as an important rule for the succes of the project. 

The registration and logistics organization software created and managed by the Park agency do not allow the participants to express rigid preferences on accomodation and on pairing with specific persons during the official activities.

All participants are being informed why these rules are so important.




Combining people of different categories is an important rule for this monitoring activity, mainly for three reasons:

  1. operators of the same category could have an interest in altering the data on the censed number of deer: if hunters declare more deer they could be called to reduce that number; for the same reason animal activists could have the interest in declaring a reduced number.
  2. in the past, it happened that couples of operators of the same category (expecially hunters, that are obliged to partecipate to have the hunting permission) decided to rest in the forest instead of counting deer in a proper way. Mixed couples are controlling each others.
  3. mixed couples are the best opportunity to exchange experiences and to break down cultural barriers.
To create a model of integrated development of the scenic and the urban areas and raise local communities’ living standards

In order to reduce the pressures on the environmental capacity of Changbai Mountain Scenic Area, a total of RMB6 billion has been invested since 2010 to build 32 new scenic sites and 10 squares at and near Er’dao Baihe Town, a town neighbouring the northern part of Changbai Mountain Scenic Area.  In 2019, Er’dao Baihe Town was rated as an AAAA Scenic Area, one of the national exemplary areas for integrated tourism, and accredited as an international Cittaslow town by Cittaslow International.  Er’dao Baihe Town has become an open and free-of-charge scenic area and aims to offer high standard services for tourism, leisure and recreation.  While providing high-quality and well-managed leisure space for local residents, it also help stimulate the development of accommodation and catering businesses in Changbai Mountain’s neighbouring communities.  A new development model of sharing and co-building that serves tourists and brings happiness to local residents is hence achieved.  

1. Thorough data analysis was conducted on recent years’ tourism in Changbai Mountain and the ecological carrying capacity of Changbai Scenic Area is hence determined based on science.

 2. A scientific and sound tourism plan was formulated based on statistics.  3. Secured sufficient funding ensured the implementation of the planned projects.

 Special attention should be given to localisation during the urbanisation process of the scenic area.  Native ecology should still be the underpinning foundation and preserved as most as possible.  The emphasis should be put on maintaining and highlighting local distinctive features instead of the sheer scale of urban development.  It should be avoided that the authenticity of local landscapes or characteristics are destroyed only to copy a model of other places or cities.  

Science popularization and education

Using the websites, WeChat Public Account, Newspapers, Popular Science Books, Popular Science Videos, Documentaries, News Coverage, Warning Signs, Field Education Sites, AR Hanma Exhibition Room, Ecological and Cultural Museum, Pamphlets, Summer Camps, Eco-Forums, Publicity campaigns in schools and communities, Eco-education and field studies base, etc., publicity and education are carried out to the public. This makes the public understand the importance of protecting moose population and improve the public awareness of ecological protection.

Professional and easy to understand publicity materials

A popular way of publicity

Application of new media

Application of new technology

Prepare different publicity materials for different target groups and adopt different publicity methods so that they can understand and accept the ideas you want to express.

Data recovery and identification

    The Administration Bureau arranges the office workers to identify, classify and input data according to the staff, human activity information, and animal resource information. The office workers distinguish the photos of the human activities, and determine the specific information of the personnel (community personnel or not ).

1. Recycle and appraise camera data timely in accordance with the plan.

2. Maintain equipment regularly.

3. The identification of the camera data must be unified.

4. Carry out follow-up work  immediately for discovered human activities.

5. Corresponding reward and punishment mechanisms.

1. Number the camera´s data cards uniformly to avoid data confusion.

2. Replace the malfunction cameras timely.

3. Arrange fixed staff to identify the data.